The Top 6 Worst Campaign Levels In Advanced Warfare


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was a pretty good game. It featured some pretty intense campaigns and even more hardcore multiplayer gameplay. But like any Call of Duty title, there were some duds in the campaign mode. This Call of Duty features an interesting story with you playing as Private Jack Mitchell, who is recruited into Atlas after a tragic battle leads to his best friend’s death, and how he discovers that Atlas is actually run by the villainous Jonathon Irons.#p#

The Top 6 Worst Campaign Levels In Advanced Warfare#h2#

Here are the top 6 worst campaign levels in Advanced Warfare:

  • Ascendance
  • Induction
  • Traffic
  • Collapse/Aftermath
  • Aftermath (if you’re playing on Hardened or Veteran)

6 . Collapse (if you’re playing on Hardened or Veteran)

8. Ascendance#h3#

“Ascendance” is the final level in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It’s disappointing that a franchise which had elevated itself to such high standards with its previous two titles and set out to be different from the rest, would end on such a poor note.

There are some great moments throughout Ascendance, but they’re few and far between. A good level should have both a satisfying story arc and gameplay variety, but this one fails at both.

The first half of “Ascendance” is spent playing as Kevin Spacey’s character Jonathan Irons (who has been revealed to be an evil mastermind) as he chases after you with his drone army in your stolen Exo suit (which looks more like a giant spider). This section has some creative visuals but it gets old really quickly with its awkward controls and repetitive gameplay—especially when compared to all other sections where you’re free from drones chasing after you.

At number 8, we have Ascendance. Ascendance is the final level in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and what a disappointing way to end a game. The mission takes place in an Atlas facility in Egypt, where Mitchell fights through waves of soldiers and drones. While this battle may sound intense on paper, it gets fairly boring after a while.#p#

The mission takes place in an Atlas facility in Egypt, where Mitchell fights through waves of soldiers and drones. While this battle may sound intense on paper, it gets fairly boring after a while.

The problem I have with this level is that there is no variety to the gameplay. You’re just constantly running around shooting people and occasionally using your exo suit’s abilities. This can get old very quickly, especially since you’re fighting the same enemy types over and over again (and their AI isn’t all that great).

If I were designing a sequel to Advanced Warfare, I would’ve made Ascendance more interesting by adding some new enemy types or making the player do something other than shoot everything in sight for 15 minutes straight. For example: maybe we could have explored one of Atlas’ bases as part of our escape from Egypt? Or maybe we could’ve had to evade detection from security cameras throughout our escape? These changes might not seem like much but they would’ve made Ascendance feel less repetitive than it currently does.#p

7. Induction#h3#

  • Induction

Induction is the first mission in CoD: Advanced Warfare, and it’s both a tutorial and a mandatory mission (you have to play it before you can continue on with the story). It’s also pretty bad. The whole thing takes place in a training simulator, where you get to enjoy some of the game’s best-looking environments while learning how to use your abilities as an advanced soldier. There are five more missions after this one, but they’re all better than Induction: they have achievements!

At number 7, we have Induction. I think most people can agree that this mission is far from the worst level in the entire CoD franchise, but for Advanced Warfare, it is pretty bad for one specific reason.#p#

This mission is okay. It’s not terrible or anything, but it’s just not very good either. The reason why is that it’s too long, repetitive and easy for Advanced Warfare.

The first thing that you’ll notice about Induction is that you’re running around in circles for what feels like forever (it actually IS forever). You can go from one room to another without even realizing it because there are no checkpoints along the way which means if you fail at any point during this mission then you have to start from scratch all over again.

This could’ve been avoided by simply adding more checkpoints into the level design because then players wouldn’t get as frustrated with how long and boring everything is here because at least there would be moments where they could stop playing for a few minutes before continuing on their journey again later on down the road.

6. Traffic#h3#

Traffic is one of the best missions in Advanced Warfare. It’s fun, it’s short, and it can be completed without much difficulty.

That’s why traffic is also one of the worst missions in Advanced Warfare.

The mission is so easy that it makes you feel like a god as you tear through the streets with your exosuit flying around like some sort of futuristic Superman or Spider-Man (depending on which character class you play). The only thing that gives you any trouble is having to shoot terrorists out of helicopters—but even then, they fall from the sky like raindrops from an umbrella until they hit their death at your feet.

At number 6, we have Traffic. An interesting level that has you drive a truck through some of the roadways of Los Angeles after an EMP blast has disabled all electricity in the city, Traffic had some nice action to it, but for a few reasons, it ended up being far worse than could be expected.#p#

At number 6, we have Traffic. An interesting level that has you drive a truck through some of the roadways of Los Angeles after an EMP blast has disabled all electricity in the city, Traffic had some nice action to it, but for a few reasons, it ended up being far worse than could be expected.

  • The mission is boring. This mission is so long and monotonous that I had no idea what was happening at any point during my playthrough. The entire time I just wanted it to end so I could move on with my life and play another game instead of this one.
  • The mission is too easy (or maybe too hard). This mission has two extremes: either way you go about playing it there’s no challenge whatsoever at any point in time when playing this level and thus why it feels like such a waste of time overall because there’s just not enough going on within the context of what makes Call Of Duty games fun!

5. Collapse/Aftermath#h3#

Collapse/Aftermath are two separate missions that take place at the same time, and are also the first two missions in Advanced Warfare. They’re linked together by an assassination attempt on a Middle Eastern ambassador, which we learn is just one part of a larger plan by insurgents to get their hands on power reactors.

Collapse is essentially an introduction to some new gameplay elements and mechanics: you’ll be introduced to drones, exoskeleton suits (aka exos), portable cover and throwing knives. In addition to these new features, you’ll also have your first multiplayer match here as well as your first fight against drones—and if all of this sounds like too much information for one mission then don’t worry about it because there’s more where that came from! Aftermath takes place immediately after Collapse ends; that means you can expect another long mission with lots of enemies waiting for you around every corner!

At number 5 comes a two-for-one deal with Collapse and Aftermath! These two missions come together to form one piece of campaign goodness (or badness), so they will be combined into one entry here.#p#

At number 5 comes a two-for-one deal with Collapse and Aftermath! These two missions come together to form one piece of campaign goodness (or badness), so they will be combined into one entry here.

This is the only time in this list that we’re going to have a tie between missions, but it’s understandable because these are both pretty similar. They both take place in Moscow, they both have you fighting through a city street while Russian soldiers are shooting at you from behind cover, and they both involve an evil psychopath who wants to kill everyone.

That’s pretty much where the similarities end though, because Collapse is significantly shorter than Aftermath and far less difficult than its counterpart mission. It also feels more fun than Aftermath does; there are no stealthy sections or lengthy cutscenes here – just straight up Call Of Duty action! I mean sure maybe some people might not like that kind of thing but anyone who does should be able to get their fix here easily enough without having any problems whatsoever (unless their problem is having too much fun playing video games).


The campaign of Advanced Warfare is not quite what we expected, but it still had some good moments. With the exception of the missions that made it onto this list, there were many great ones to play through!

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