The Best Way To Eat Candy Crush In Order to Get A Great High Score


With the holidays coming, and the fact that candy crush is so popular now, I thought we could also discuss how to find a good high score. Candy crush is a fun game with an addicting high score system. It can be very frustrating when you don’t get a high score, so I wanted to write this blog post in order to help people get better at it.

Eat candy and then use the leftovers to create matches in the game.

You should eat candy and then use the leftovers to create matches in the game. Don’t eat too much candy, though, because it will slow you down and hurt your score. If you want to get a higher score than the other players, avoid eating fish because they’re supposed to make people smarter. Eating a hearty breakfast will ensure that your mind is sharp and focused throughout the day so that you can play well at any moment!

Make an apple pie. Then eat it. The high quality ingredients will make your brain work better so you can get higher scores.

First, make an apple pie. Then eat it. The high quality ingredients will make your brain work better so you can get higher scores.

The best part of eating the apple pie is that it tastes good! You can also eat other foods to improve your score in Candy Crush, but if you like cooking and want to do something nice for yourself, why not try making an apple pie?

Eat a lot of candy, but not too much, because eating too much candy will make your fingers fat and you won’t be able to click on the candies as well.

Eating too much candy won’t help you get a high score. If you eat too much candy, your fingers will become fat and you won’t be able to click on the candies as well. The more candies you eat, the less likely it is that you’ll be able to get a high score.

If eating too many candies makes your fingers fat and makes them hard to use in order to play this game well, then it’s not worth eating any more than what is necessary for your survival.

Eat a hearty breakfast to keep your mind sharp and focused.

  • Eat a hearty breakfast to keep your mind sharp and focused.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it provides you with energy to get through the day.
  • It’s also important to have a healthy breakfast, so that you don’t feel hungry later in the morning or afternoon.

Eat fish, which is supposed to make you smarter. I’m not sure how that’s going to help you with Candy Crush, though…

Candy Crush is a game, and therefore you can’t really eat candy in it. Likewise, you can’t really eat fish in real life either. But if you go to the ocean and throw your phone into the water, then pretend to scoop up some fish with your fingers (but actually just scoop up some sand instead), what would happen?

Well, nothing really because that’s not how it works when people play Candy Crush. So basically there are two ways of eating candy: one where it’s edible and two where it isn’t edible at all!

I wish there were a way to get real-world rewards for playing Candy Crush…

There’s nothing more satisfying than getting a high score on Candy Crush. But there are times when you want to take it to the next level, or at least to your next meal. If only there were a way to get real-world rewards for playing Candy Crush, like eating candy!

But wait—there is! You can in fact get real-world rewards for eating candy and playing Candy Crush at the same time! This method is called “candy farming,” and it’s essentially eating massive amounts of sugary snacks in order to build up enough energy to play games on mobile devices for hours on end without feeling tired or bored. The key is finding foods that give you an energy boost without making you feel sick afterward, which means avoiding anything with artificial sweeteners (like Splenda), processed sugars (like high fructose corn syrup), or other chemicals found in many snack foods these days.


We’ve taken a look at the many foods that can help you get high scores in candy crush. Now it’s up to you to make your own decisions about what works best for you and your game. Remember that as with all things, candy crush is not just about eating food but also about enjoying it!

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