Congratulations on beating your favorite video game! You’re probably feeling pretty pumped about finally reaching the end, but don’t put down the controller just yet. Most games have fun features that keep you going even after you finish the main story line. Here are ten things to do after you beat video games!
Far Cry 5
After you beat Far Cry 5, you can play through it again. This time, try out different tactics and see what happens. You may be surprised by how differently things work with another approach.
If you’re the type who likes to go for trophies, now’s the chance to try out for all of those achievements and earn some easy Gamerscore points in the process!
If you have friends who enjoy playing co-op games together online, invite them over for a few rounds of Far Cry 5 multiplayer fun! There’s nothing quite like seeing someone else get killed by an animal or getting shot from behind as they run away from something that could eat them alive at any moment (or both).
You can also enjoy Far Cry 5 offline without any internet connection required—just pop in your copy of Far Cry 5 and start playing!
Far Cry 5 is a game meant to be played more than once. There’s a lot of room to explore and try different methods of taking down cult leaders. Once you complete the main story, try going for the platimum trophy and getting all the side missions done.
Far Cry 5 is a game meant to be played more than once. There’s a lot of room to explore and try different methods of taking down cult leaders. Once you complete the main story, try going for the platimum trophy and getting all the side missions done.
You can also take on challenges like racing or hunting animals in co-op mode with a friend, or simply making your own custom character to play with.
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead is a game where you play with a team of other players, either online or offline. You can play through the game in single player mode and go through all the levels on your own. You’ll have to quickly learn how to be able to survive and fight zombies by yourself, but it’s definitely possible!
If you’re playing online with friends, there are many different ways to play together. One option is if one person creates a server and then shares that IP address with their friends so they can join in too. Another option is playing through campaigns together (where all four players start together on one level) or starting at different times on different levels until you meet up with each other later in the game.
Since this game consists of a single player campaign, there isn’t much to do once you beat it. But you can set it up offline and invite your friends over for some co-op fun!
- Playing online with friends
- Playing offline with friends
- Playing alone
- Playing in a party
- Playing in a private match (or “friendlies”)
- Playing in a public match (or “ranked”)
The Last of Us
The Last of Us contains plenty of collectibles and achievements for you to unlock once you beat the main story line. Try taking the time to go back through the levels to find all the weapons and collectibles to unlock the platimum trophy!
If that sounds like too much work, don’t worry because there are plenty of random things you can do in The Last of Us. You can play co-op with friends or strangers online, engage in combat against other players, or challenge yourself by completing difficult missions on hard difficulty mode.
The Last of Us contains plenty of collectibles and achievements for you to unlock once you beat the main story line. Try taking the time to go back through the levels to find all the weapons and collectibles to unlock the platimum trophy!
The Last of Us has plenty of collectibles and achievements for you to unlock once you beat the main story line. Try taking the time to go back through the levels to find all the weapons and collectibles to unlock the platimum trophy!
With Skyrim, you’re going to want to enjoy the game for what it is. Let’s be honest: There is a lot of content in Skyrim. There are plenty of mods and DLC out there that add even more content to the game—and if you’re looking for expansions, well, they have those too!
So if you’ve just finished playing Skyrim and are ready to move on from the world of Tamriel, here are some things you should do next.
Skyrim would probably be very boring if it wasn’t for mods. Go online and download some new quests, custom armor or whatever else you want so your game never gets old!
Skyrim would probably be very boring if it wasn’t for mods. Go online and download some new quests, custom armor or whatever else you want so your game never gets old!
There are a lot of mods out there to choose from, some are free and some cost money. The best part about Skyrim is that you can make the game as difficult or as easy as you want by downloading different mods. Some people just like watching their dragons burn villages down while others like to play in first person mode with no HUDs or health bars. Whatever kind of player you are there’s a mod that will suit your needs!
These games aren’t just good one time around.
If you’re like me, the first thing you’ll do is play through the game again. It’s fun to see how different choices can change the story and gameplay. But there are other options:
- Mods: If your favorite game has an online community, it’s likely that someone has already created mods (modifications) for it. These mods allow for new adventures, new endings, and sometimes even new stories entirely! They can be a lot of fun if you like exploring games in unconventional ways.
- Friends: Playing video games with friends is always more fun than playing alone! So if your friend owns the same game as you do—or if they own any game—you can create memories together by sharing these experiences on Twitch or YouTube Gaming instead of just playing them solo at home on your couch while eating pizza and drinking soda all day long! This might even lead into forming an actual gaming club where everyone hangs out regularly because they love gaming so much.”
So that’s it! That’s our list of ten great games to play after you beat them. With so many games out there today, we all tend to move on and forget about the gems from our past. Some of these games have been around for a long time but are still worth playing over and over again. If you’re lucky enough to own any of them, be sure to give them another go after you’ve finished the main storyline! We hope this blog has helped you find some new ways to enjoy your favorite titles even more than before – happy gaming.”