Slated for a release sometime this year, Skull Girls will soon be gracing high-definition consoles. The game is a 2D fighting title that combines the art of Alex Ahad, known for Scott Pilgram and Lava Punch, with tournament champion Mike Zaimont. Autumn Games and Revenge Labs recently released some impressive art work and screenshots. Taken from the official website:
Set in the fictional Canopy Kingdom, Skull Girls pits players against ranks of deadly but beautiful opponents in an attempt to control the enigmatic Skull Heart, a mysterious artifact with the power to bestow wishes – but not without a substantial price. Should the soul be less than pure, both the victor’s wish and her being shall be corrupted into a living nightmare that haunts humanity. She will be known as the Skullgirl, a monstrous entity of immense power.
Given the art style and intriguing story element, Skull Girls looks to be a title worth looking into. We’ll keep those interested posted as we learn more details such as when it shall brawl its way onto home consoles.
[Source: Press Release]