Defeat The Darkness In This New Twist On The Classic Battle royale Game


If you’re looking for one of the most unique battle royale experiences in recent memory, you’ll want to check out Kill It With Fire. The game from Spiderling Studios is out now on Steam Early Access and features a new way to play this style of game. Not only are you competing against others, but you’ll also be trying your best to stomp out some nasty spiders and insects as well!

You’ve seen a lot of battle royal games on the market. From the original PUBG and Fortnite to Apex Legends, you’re usually doing all you can to survive against your opponents. Last man standing is usually the goal, but in Kill It With Fire, an upcoming PC game from Spiderling Studios, things are a bit different and more fun!

You’ve seen a lot of battle royal games on the market. From the original PUBG and Fortnite to Apex Legends, you’re usually doing all you can to survive against your opponents. Last man standing is usually the goal, but in Kill It With Fire, an upcoming PC game from Spiderling Studios, things are a bit different and more fun!

The game itself is a twist on its predecessors in that it’s not just about being the last one standing (as awesome as that may be). Instead, this new game has players competing with each other to kill off their enemies by setting them on fire with their weapons or by turning them into piles of ashes with powerful explosions. In essence, it’s like a traditional battle royale game but with more fiery flair!

It makes sense why Spiderling Studios would create such an innovative take on a genre already saturated with content: they’re based right here at [location], where some of our most talented developers work every day creating new experiences for players across the globe – whether they’re console games or PC games like Kill It With Fire!

Not only do you need to hunt down your prey, but once you kill it, you need to make sure it doesn’t get back up and attack again. To do so you can use axes, guns, and other deadly weapons to take them out in a very gruesome fashion. Imagine taking out a spider with an axe or mowing one down with a machine gun in your home. It’s a unique twist on the battle royale genre that could be entertaining for those who want more of an arcade experience over those which are realistic in nature?

Once you start playing, you’ll notice that the game is actually very fast paced and exciting. There are no breaks in the action as you run around trying to kill your prey and avoid death yourself. This makes it more like an arcade style shooter rather than something like Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds or Fortnite Battle Royale where there are pauses between rounds.

As far as graphics go, they aren’t quite on par with some other games out there but they are still very good in terms of what they have been able to accomplish within their budget constraints. The animations are smooth, as well as everything else about them which makes this one feel fun to play over its competitors who lack some personality compared to this title here at Game-Reviewer!

The game is currently in Early Access on Steam and the developers hope to have it fully completed by October 2020. If you’re interested in playing through what they have so far you can grab it today for $14.99 USD (which is 20% off of its regular price). The game is also set to have cross-platform play with Nintendo Switch users thanks to the Unity Engine powering it.

If you’re interested in playing through what they have so far, you can grab it today for $14.99 USD (which is 20% off of its regular price). The game is also set to have cross-platform play with Nintendo Switch users thanks to the Unity Engine powering it.

Do you see yourself playing this with friends or family members? What about siblings? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

If you’re playing the game with friends or family, then you’ll want to make sure that everyone is on the same page. This means making sure they know what they’re getting themselves into and it also means setting some ground rules so that everyone can have fun without feeling overwhelmed. If you find yourself playing with a sibling, make sure that you take turns doing different things so that both of your characters won’t be in danger at once.

If this isn’t an option for whatever reason (maybe one or more people are not interested in playing), then go ahead and play by yourself! You don’t need anyone else’s help to defeat The Darkness: just keep practicing until you feel like a pro!


Kill it with Fire is an over-the-top first-person shooter that takes the tried-and-true formula of the battle royale genre and adds in some killer (pun intended) new features. We have never seen anyone take this angle before, so we’re excited to see how it plays out!

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