12 Things We Wish Sniping Was as Fun as in Call of Duty 3


Snipers aren’t just real-life versions of Call of Duty characters. They’re real people with real feelings, and they take their jobs very seriously. Sniping is a dangerous sport where you can get hurt, so it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into before you start training for it. We’ve compiled a list of 12 things every aspiring sniper should know, from the pros and cons to where you can find all sorts of fun sniping gear on our site!

Sniping is hard.

Sniping is hard. It takes time to learn, it takes patience to learn, and it takes practice to learn. If you want to be a good sniper, you need dedication and determination. If you’re willing to put in the work, then sniping could be something that makes your life better—but if not, well… better luck next time!

Sniping is not a game.

Sniping is not a game. It’s a real sport, and there are many people who participate in it.

But sniping is not a game. So if you’re looking for something fun and exciting to do on your off time, this may not be the sport for you.

Sniping is not an FPS mode.

Sniping is not an FPS mode.

Sniping is a position, a role, and a job. It’s a career, discipline, skill and talent all rolled into one. But it’s also much more than that. In fact, I’d argue that sniping transcends games entirely—it’s not just about playing them anymore; it’s about being them. Being the sniper in Call of Duty 3: A blog about sniping is like being James Bond or Jason Bourne (and not just because both characters were played by Pierce Brosnan). You’ll find yourself acting out scenarios from your favorite spy movies as you work on your aim and reload times.

The thrill of using your weapon correctly will stay with you long after the game has been turned off for another week to let its code settle down before coming back online again without any patches needed at all!

You can’t sneak through a level with your gun out of its case, like one does in CoD 3 and other games.

You can’t sneak through a level with your gun out of its case, like one does in CoD 3 and other games.

You can’t just run around with your gun out of its case. You have to put it away before you start running around like a madman (or woman). And if you want to use the sniper rifle or rocket launcher, then those must be holstered too.

It would be nice if we could just run around with our weapons drawn all the time, but it hasn’t happened yet.

You can’t just steal a couple of guns from the enemy team and run around killing anyone you find.

Sniping is not a game, nor is it an FPS mode. Sniping can take years of training and dedication to perfect, so don’t expect to be good at it without putting in the work.

Snipers don’t always have to hide from their enemies, but they do have to be good at hiding from other snipers.

Snipers don’t always have to hide from their enemies, but they do have to be good at hiding from other snipers. It’s a sport where the best players are able to use their skill and knowledge of the game’s map layout to outsmart their opponents and take them down without being seen.

The sniper rifle isn’t the only weapon available in sniping, but it is a common one.

While the sniper rifle is a popular weapon among snipers, it’s not the only one. In fact, there are many other weapons that can be used by snipers. Snipers can use pistols as a secondary weapon if they choose to do so. They may also use shotguns or submachine guns for close range combat. Snipers may even opt for assault rifles or machine guns if they want more firepower than their sniper rifle provides them with. If a sniper wants even more firepower than that and has no problem with sacrificing accuracy or stealthiness then rocket launchers are an option as well!

Some people use scopes on their rifles, but not everyone does.

The next thing we want to talk about is scopes. Scopes are not required to play Call of Duty 3, however many people use them and they are very useful for shooting long range targets. You can get a nice scope for around $120 but if you don’t have the money for one, you can go into squad mode with your friends and shoot at each other without using scopes!

Scopes will not make you a better sniper or player if used incorrectly. For example, some people think that their scope makes them better snipers because their crosshairs are bigger on screen when aiming down their scope than when not using one. However this does not make them any more accurate just because the target appears larger in their viewfinder; it only means that they see more detail about where their shot will land!

Not all snipers use scoped rifles and there are plenty of ways to play without using them at all.

In the world of Call of Duty 3, not all snipers use scoped rifles. You’re free to play how you want and use whatever you think is best for your playstyle. There are plenty of ways to play without using them at all. Some snipers use scoped rifles, some don’t—and that’s okay! They’re just different styles of sniping, so find what works for you and go with it!


We’ve taken a look at all the things that make sniping so much fun to play and we hope it’ll inspire you to try out this mode in your next game. If you’d like more information about sniping, feel free to check out our full guide on the subject here. Thank you for reading!

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