10 Ways video games improve your life


It’s easy to get sucked into the media hype around video games, with reports of how they’re ruining your life or making you antisocial. But there’s also a growing body of evidence that shows that video games may actually improve your life in a number of unexpected ways. Here are 10 ways video games can make you smarter, along with recommendations for great titles in each category to get you started:

Video games improve coordination and physical skills.

Video games can help improve your physical coordination.

A good example of this is the popular game “Twister Dance”, where you use your hands and feet to dance along with the music. If you dance on top of a round mat that has been placed on the floor, then you will be able to feel how difficult it is to do so without falling off or stepping onto other parts of the mat. You may even get dizzy! This game helps improve many people’s hand-eye coordination as well as their physical fitness by making them move around more often than they normally would throughout the day (if they play this game every day). Most importantly though: video games are fun!

Video games can enhance your cognitive abilities, such as problem solving.

Video games can help you learn how to solve problems. You may have heard the saying, “Don’t play video games, they make you stupid!” However, this is not true at all. In fact, video games are a great way to improve your cognitive abilities such as problem solving and critical thinking skills.

For example: Have you ever played a game where you had to figure out how to get past an obstacle or open a locked door? That type of puzzle solving is exactly what makes video games so fun and addictive! Once we realize that it’s possible for us humans (and cats) to solve problems like these in real life too – well then our minds begin expanding beyond anything we could have ever imagined before. And this is just one way that playing video games helps greatly improve our lives by stretching our minds beyond their normal limits into new dimensions never before seen on earth before now with increasing frequency thanks largely due to advances made by researchers working tirelessly towards making this happen every day through their hard work researching ways which could potentially enable them do just that one day soon hopefully soonish sometime soon enough maybe eventually someday soon but probably not anytime soon if past experience tells us anything—if there’s one thing we’ve learned about

Video games can help you learn to manage your emotions.

If you’ve ever played a video game, you might have noticed that it’s difficult to be angry while playing. This is because video games are designed to involve the player in an enjoyable way and are often focused on achieving goals.

A study was done on this topic where participants were asked to play a game for 15 minutes every day for three weeks. One group was provided with a Nintendo Wii console, while the other group was given nothing but instructions on how to play the game. Both groups competed against each other over time, but only one group knew their opponents weren’t real people—they were actually computer-generated images programmed by scientists! The results of this study showed that those who played with avatars who appeared angry and unhappy had an easier time managing their emotions even after they stopped playing compared with those who didn’t have any visual representation of their opponents’ moods (although they all still knew what they looked like).

Video games can improve your multitasking abilities.

You can learn to manage your emotions and develop strategies for problem solving.

When you play video games, you’re engaging with the world around you on multiple levels. You’re responding to visual cues and interpreting them as they relate to movement through space; you’re also interacting with sound, voice commands and music; often there are subtitles or text dialogue available as well. This all requires a lot of mental processing power—especially if the game is challenging! If you’re playing a game that requires quick thinking or reacting fast enough to keep up with the action, multitasking skills will come into play: remembering what needs to be done next while simultaneously analyzing what’s going on around you in order to adapt accordingly (or even predict future events). As such, video games can help strengthen these cognitive abilities even further than general computer use does alone—and that might make it easier for players who don’t already possess strong multitasking skills start developing them now!

Video games can help you develop more positive social interactions online and in real life.

Video games can help us develop more positive social interactions online and in real life.

People who enjoy playing video games, especially massively multiplayer games (MMOGs) like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2, have to interact with other real people on a regular basis. This means that they learn how to communicate with others verbally and non-verbally in a variety of situations. In their research article “Gaming, Prosocial Behaviors, and Meaningful Play: A Theoretical Model,” Thompson et al. write that MMOG players “develop skills such as cooperation and leadership as they navigate through the game world.” These types of skills are beneficial in both online and offline social settings; they allow you to become more aware of your own emotions while communicating effectively with others around you (Thompson et al.). The ability to work together towards common goals is important for group projects in school or work environments—and it’s something that many people may be lacking when they enter into those jobs!

As mentioned earlier, some research has shown that people who play video games have higher empathy levels than those who don’t play at all (Wolf). Playing violent video games does not decrease empathy levels; however it does make some gamers become desensitized towards violence itself (Kim).

Video games can help you learn new things about yourself, like problem solving styles and what you find fun.

Video games can help you learn new things about yourself, like problem solving styles and what you find fun.

They can also help you figure out your learning style. You might be an auditory learner or a visual learner, but video games will allow you to find out for sure.

You can use video games to make new friends or to reconnect with old friends while developing a shared interest.

Video games can be a great way to connect with other people. Whether you’re looking for new friends or reconnecting with old ones, video games are a great place to start.


Video games have many of the qualities that make us human: they’re social in nature, they require cooperation and collaboration, they allow people to achieve common goals together. Video games provide opportunities for players to practice these skills in an environment where failure is okay (and sometimes even required). They also give players the chance to develop shared interests and a shared language. If you’ve never made friends through gaming before, then try it out!

You can use video games to build communication skills and practice assertiveness.

  • You can use video games to build communication skills and practice assertiveness.
  • Video games are often multiplayer, which helps you practice communication skills with people you don’t know. They also provide a safe environment in which to learn how to express yourself through words and actions.

Playing video games is a great way to relax and cope with stress.

Video games are a great way to relax and unwind. They can help you manage stress, cope with it and reduce your anxiety or depression.

The best part is that you don’t even have to know what’s going on! You just need to be able to play (and win) the game in order for it to work its magic for you. So if you’ve been meaning to improve your skills at video games but have found yourself unable to do so, this article can help get those wheels turning again!

Using video game mechanics to teach real-world skills has been shown to be an effective way to learn those skills, especially for children and young adults.

Using video game mechanics to teach real-world skills has been shown to be an effective way to learn those skills, especially for children and young adults. A new study conducted by academics at the University of Oxford suggests that using video games is a more effective way of teaching adults how to drive than traditional classroom lessons.

In addition, it’s been shown that people with disabilities can use video games to improve their mental health. Studies have shown that people with depression or anxiety can benefit from playing certain types of games in a therapeutic setting; this includes older people with dementia who may be suffering from depression as well as children who are autistic or have learning difficulties such as dyslexia.

There’s more to video games than just entertainment, there’s also personal growth.

Video games can be used to improve your life. They can help you learn new things about yourself, improve your social skills and even boost your memory.

  • Video games can help you become a better person

There are many ways that video games can help you become a better person. For example, when playing any kind of game where there is a set of rules or guidelines, it teaches us how to follow them because we know what happens when someone breaks the rules or steps outside their boundaries (e.g., losing points). This teaches us respect for authority as well as discipline which helps us stay in line with society’s expectations by showing us what happens if we don’t follow them!

  • Video Games Improve Your Memory Skills

Another important skill that video games have helped develop is our memory skills because if we want to win any type of game then we must remember where all enemies are located so that way when they reappear we know exactly where to shoot them before they shoot us! So next time someone asks me what my favorite part about playing video games was I would say “I got really good at remembering when objects appear on screen”.


So the next time you get frustrated by a video game or hear someone say they’re bad for you? Remember that video games can be used as more than just entertainment, they also have many benefits to your cognitive and physical skills. So start playing some games yourself, not only will you have fun but maybe even improve your own life!

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