The Benefits of Tetris


Tetris is a fun game for everyone. It can also help you build some important skills that you might not have known about. In this blog post, we’ll cover some of the benefits to playing tetris and what it means for your life.

Letting go of stress.

Tetris is a game that you can play to relax and unwind. It’s not only a fun distraction, but it can also help you let go of stress and anxiety.

When you play Tetris, your mind focuses on what’s in front of you and how to move the pieces around. You tend to forget about any problems that may be bothering you because playing Tetris requires so much focus. In this way, it helps people who are stressed or worried by taking them out of their current situation and allowing them to focus on something else entirely.

Tetris also helps people get better at sleeping if they struggle with insomnia or have trouble staying asleep at night because once again it takes their mind off whatever issues are keeping them awake—and studies show that even just playing games like Tetris for 15 minutes before bedtime can help improve sleep quality (Kaufman & Mindera).

Systematic desensitization.

The method of systematic desensitization is a technique that can be used to decrease the anxiety of a traumatic event. It involves pairing something scary with something not so scary and gradually increasing the level of the scary stimulus over time. In this case, we’re going to pair Tetris with relaxing music in order to decrease the association between Tetris and stress.

The first step is to play Tetris while listening to relaxing music or an audiobook (something that doesn’t have any sounds at all). This will help get your mind off of how stressed you feel when playing Tetris and make it easier for you to focus on just enjoying yourself while playing! The next step is playing Tetris while listening to some light background noise such as raindrops falling or birds chirping—this will help further relax your mind even more than before! Finally, we want you try playing Tetris while listening only ever-so-slightly louder versions of these two soundtracks; they should still sound pretty quiet but enough so that they don’t drown out everything else around them anymore either! If done correctly by sticking with these steps then eventually all three things should feel pretty similar — maybe even boringly so!

Addictive behavior.

When it comes to addiction, we’re not talking about something that you can just shake off with a good night’s sleep. Addiction is a serious problem in our society, and it’s one that has many negative effects on the user and their loved ones. Tetris doesn’t have these same negative side effects. In fact, psychologists have found that playing the game can be beneficial for your health!

If you’ve ever played Tetris before then there’s a good chance that you’ve noticed some addictive tendencies in yourself (or others). But what makes this game so addictive?


It’s not uncommon for people to think about the Tetris effect in everyday situations. For example, it’s common to hear someone say “I can’t stop thinking about that mistake I made yesterday.” Or, “I’m going crazy because I keep thinking that my house is messy and needs more cleaning.” This is a form of perfectionism—a mental disorder where people are never satisfied with their work or themselves. They are always looking for ways to improve their work, but they never seem to make any progress toward this goal.

Perfectionists are hard on others as well as themselves: they constantly criticize their partners, friends and family members for things like being messy or having bad taste in clothes or furniture.

See connections and patterns.

Tetris is a game that requires you to see patterns, which can be beneficial for your brain. In fact, playing Tetris may help train your brain so you can better see connections and similarities between objects or ideas.

In order to play Tetris, players must find the best possible place on the board where they can place a block without interfering with any other blocks or spaces on the board. To do this effectively, players must constantly look at every piece in their hand and scan through all possible placements before choosing one that will work well.

As they become more experienced at playing Tetris and recognizing patterns in their minds’ eye as they scan pieces over and over again during gameplay, players are able to more quickly identify how certain pieces would work together when placed in different configurations across different points within the game field: “If I put this here instead of there… No! The rest won’t fit!” This type of thinking trains our brains to recognize similarities between objects or concepts based solely on how we perceive them visually (or otherwise), making us better problem solvers overall—especially when it comes time for real-world applications such as mathematics or science courses where finding solutions often requires looking at things from multiple angles simultaneously rather than just one way at once (which may not always lead us toward successful conclusions).

Engaging the mind with learning.

Tetris requires the player to think about the next piece that is coming up, which could be a straight line or a curve. The player has to then think about how they will place the current piece and how it fits into the puzzle. This thinking process keeps your mind working in the present moment and cannot be avoided, which is why Tetris is so important for gamers who want to improve their brain power.

While playing Tetris, there are many instances where you can become stuck on one piece or another because it doesn’t fit correctly with what you already have arranged on screen. In these cases, you have no choice but to clear one of your existing pieces off of your screen so that space opens up for new ones (which also happens when blocks fall from above). You must think about where those blocks will end up once they land on top of each other and try not place them too high because then they won’t drop down far enough into place! When this happens—and trust me it does often—you need focus more attention than ever before while trying not only find out how much room there is left before reaching maximum height limit (which varies depending on difficulty level), but also how much time remains until said limit kicks into effect.”

Hand-eye coordination training.

Hand-eye coordination is a vital part of many activities. The ability to quickly and accurately manipulate objects with your hands is important in driving, sports, video games and more. Tetris strengthens this ability because you are constantly moving blocks around the screen which forces you to react quickly and accurately. This can help improve your hand-eye coordination skills which will be useful in many areas of life!

You can learn a lot through playing tetris!

Tetris is a great way to learn new things. This can be anything from a language, skill or concept to an idea. The game is fun and challenging enough that you will want to keep playing until you master it.


On the surface, tetris isn’t exactly a game that encourages many positive feelings. In fact, there are countless things you can do with it that are more likely to make you feel anxious or angry than anything else. But we’ve come across some pretty amazing things through our experiments with the game—things like improving hand-eye coordination and relaxing a stressed body. Through playing tetris, we’ve gotten better at managing stress:

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