Cool Math Games A blog about the cool math games at this site.


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10 Cool Math Games

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This is a game where you need to throw balls at the hoops and try to get them all in the hoop. You can throw multiple balls at one time, but they will not be counted as one ball if they are outside of each other’s range. The more hoops that you get your ball into, the higher score you will receive. If you want an easy way to complete this math game, there is a simple trick that may help make getting a high score much easier than it seems like it should be: always shoot towards the leftmost hoop first! This means that when playing this math game online or offline on any device (smartphone or otherwise), look up instead of down whenever possible so that your shots hit closer objects before they go far away from each other which might make things difficult later on down past some point further on down past some point further on down past some point further on down past some point further

You may not have realized it at the time, but many of the games you played in your youth were excellent math games.

You may not have realized it at the time, but many of the games you played in your youth were excellent math games. This is because they were fun and educational. If you’re looking for a way to pass some time, or maybe just want to keep yourself entertained while waiting for an appointment, playing one of these games can help bring back some good memories and keep your mind sharp at the same time.

These games can be played with friends or alone. They can even be played with family members if you want to enjoy some quality time together! You might also find that these games are good ways for pets or other animals (such as your pet snake) to interact with each other using their natural skills and instincts (like taking turns). Or perhaps try playing them with strangers who have come into town unexpectedly—it might end up being fun for both parties involved!


Chess is a two-player game of strategy played on a board of eight rows and eight columns. It is believed to have originated in India, where it was known as chaturanga. Chess spread to Persia in the eighth century and then to Europe by way of the Islamic world, where its name became shatranj. In the new world, chess evolved into its modern form, with French and Italian terms replacing some Arabic ones (for example, alfil for ferz).

The rules for chess have been standardized since 1886 by FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs), the World Chess Federation.[1][2] There are two major systems for recording moves: algebraic notation (or “Al”, denoted by “A

Probably the most famous of all math games, chess is a game believed to have originated in India.

Chess is one of the most famous games in history, but how did it begin? The earliest known reference to chess comes from India. In Sanskrit, the word for the game is chaturanga (caturanga means “four members”), and it is thought to have been invented in India during the 6th century CE. In this form, chess involved four players who took turns moving pieces representing either war elephants or horses; one player would attempt to checkmate another’s king by moving one of their pieces into that square on their opponent’s turn.

The game evolved over time until eventually only two players were involved—a concept we now call “checkers”—and then became fixed as an end game with each player having 16 pieces on a 8 × 8 board: eight pawns at its back rank with two knights behind them; one bishop at each side of those knights; two rooks next to each other on whatever side you prefer (remembering not to put them too close together); and finally your king in his own space at home base near center court.


Battleship was invented in 1967 by a naval officer named David W. Parlett and published under the name “Batleship” in the United States and Great Britain.

In October 1967, Parker Brothers acquired the rights to the game from J.W. Spear & Sons for $7000 and renamed it Battleship. In 1975, Milton Bradley also released their own version of this popular game as Battleship-Milton Bradley Edition.[6]

The classic board game Battleship was invented by Clifford von Wickler in 1967, though he didn’t patent the game until 1979.

The classic board game Battleship was invented by Clifford von Wickler in 1967, though he didn’t patent the game until 1979. Von Wickler was originally born in Germany but moved to the United States as a child. He went on to study architecture at Cornell University and worked as an architect for over 30 years before his death in 1996.


If you’ve ever played Bingo, you know that it’s a game of chance. You have to get five numbers in a row before anyone else does. But what if I told you that there are ways to make sure your chances of winning go up? Well, there are!

For example: if the numbers on bingo cards start at 1 and go up progressively, your chances of winning improve because not as many people will have their cards filled with those numbers first (you’ll probably only need 4 or 5). And even though we’re calling it “bingo,” other versions like Lotto or Cash Ball also fall under this category because they all involve picking random numbers for some kind of pay-out at the end (though most require more skill than just guessing).

Bingo dates back to the 1530s when an Italian lottery called Lo Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia was introduced.

Bingo dates back to the 1530s when an Italian lottery called Lo Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia was introduced. Bingo is a game of chance, similar to the lotto (or lotto).

Bingo is played with cards, dice and a bingo cage. The caller calls out numbers on a board and if you have it on your card, you cover it up with a plastic “bingo” marker. If no one has bingo by the end of the game then everyone can try again in another round until someone gets five in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally!


Sudoku is a logic-based number-placement puzzle originally called Number Place. In the basic game, you’re given an empty grid with some of the cells filled in. Your goal is to fill in the rest of the grid so that each row and column contain exactly one of each number (1 through 9). The numbers in the grid cannot repeat in any row or column.

The creator of Sudoku was a Japanese puzzle company called Nikoli, who first published it in 1979 as “Number Place”. They named their creation after Sudoku, which means “single digits” in Japanese — because this new game only required players to enter single numbers into its squares (instead of filling them out by hand).

Today there are many varieties on this classic formula; sometimes referred to as “Sudoku Variants”, these variations include: Easy Numbers, Easy Diagonals and Slitherlink puzzles!

Sudoku, originally called Number Place, is a logic-based number-placement puzzle originally published in 1979 by Dell Magazines.

Sudoku, originally called Number Place, is a logic-based number-placement puzzle originally published in 1979 by Dell Magazines. The puzzle was invented by Howard Garns, who called it “Number Place”. It was initially popularized in 1982 through a book of the same name written by Wayne Gould. The name Sudoku comes from the Japanese words Sudoku (number) and Suji wa dokushin ni kagiru (the numbers must remain single).

The object of the game is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, row and 3×3 section contain the digits 1 through 9 with no repeating patterns. The place where you start placing numbers matters as well as how many numbers you use in each box: some boxes may have one digit while others have more than one digit depending on how many are left over after you have placed all of your other digits.

Go Fish!

Go Fish! is a card game that can be played with two to five players. The objective of Go Fish! is to collect the most cards by asking other players for specific cards from their hand and matching them up with the same number, kind or color. Players begin by putting out ten cards face-down on the table in rows of three, which are referred to as a “school.” Each player takes turns asking another player for specific cards from their school until one player has no remaining matches for any of the requested cards.

The fun part about this math game is that you have to use math skills while playing it!

Go Fish! is a card game that can be played with two to five players.

Go Fish is a card game that can be played with two to five players. It is a variant of the card game “Fishing” and is also known as “Catch Phrase”, or simply Fish! The objective of the game is to collect cards by asking another player if they have a particular card in their hand. If they do, they must give it to you; otherwise, they say “Go fish!” and turn over one of their cards instead. The first player who collects all of their cards wins the round; play continues until everyone has won once or twice (or until you get bored).


This is a fun game that can be played by two people or with more. To play, each player starts with seven cards. Each card has an action printed on it such as “discard” or “draw”. The goal is to put down all of your cards first by following the rules:

  • You must put down a card of equal or higher number than the previous card played.
  • If you cannot play another card, you must draw from the deck until you can do so.
  • You cannot put down any wild cards (they’re wild because they represent any other color), but if someone else plays one then you may use this as your next turn even though it doesn’t match anything else in front of him/her (unless he/she also has a wild).

The person who runs out of cards first wins! It’s not too difficult once you get used to following these rules; I’m sure that after playing for just one round everyone will have grasped them perfectly well!

The first version of Uno was created by Merle Robbins in 1971 and called Crazy Eights.

The first version of Uno was created by Merle Robbins in 1971 and called Crazy Eights. It was a card game played with the same rules as Crazy Eights, but instead of using the 8s, it used the 1s and 2s. The object was to be the first player to get rid of all your cards by matching them according to rank (numerical or color) or by making a draw that matched another player’s previous move.

Connect Four

Connect Four is a two-player game that was invented by Howard Wexler and Ned Strongin in 1974. The board consists of a 7×6 grid and the goal for each player is to connect four of their pieces in a row, column or diagonal. The game board includes six columns with one blank space at the top of each column; seven rows with one blank space at the bottom of each row; and four squares on each side, which are completely filled with either white or red chips.

The first player begins by dropping one chip into any square on his half of the board. His opponent then responds by dropping another chip into an empty square on his own half of the board. Players continue taking turns until no more moves can be made because all squares have been filled or if there are no moves remaining for either player (for example, both players might have only three pieces available).

Invented by Howard Wexler and Ned Strongin in 1974, Connect Four has become one of the most popular games among kids and adults alike.

Invented by Howard Wexler and Ned Strongin in 1974, Connect Four has become one of the most popular games among kids and adults alike. It is a simple game that can be played by kids as young as 5 years old. A player drops disks into the vertical column below their opponent’s board, trying to create a row of four in any direction before their opponent does. The first person to get four in a row wins!


Yahtzee! is a game that involves trying to get certain combinations of dice faces after 13 rounds of rolling five dice up to three times per round. Yahtzee! is played with six standard dice and each player is dealt five cards. The goal of the game is to earn points by forming poker hands, scoring the most points by rolling specific combinations on your turn and earning bonus points for certain rolls or card combinations.

Yahtzee is a dice game that involves trying to get certain combinations of dice faces after 13 rounds of rolling five dice up to three times per round.

Yahtzee is a dice game that involves trying to get certain combinations of dice faces after 13 rounds of rolling five dice up to three times per round. This can be a lot of fun for people of all ages, especially with close friends and family members. It’s also a great game for kids as well as adults!

In addition to its simplicity and ease-of-play, Yahtzee also has many variations available, meaning there are plenty more ways to play this classic game than just by rolling the dice at will. One such variation is Yatzhee Blitz mode, where players have only 90 seconds total time in which they must roll all 13 rounds without stopping; this makes it an excellent choice when you need something quick yet challenging!


For those who are interested in learning more about the cool math games on this site, there are many other websites that can help you find them. You can also look around at all of your favorite sites and see what kind of math games they have available. If you would like to learn more about these types of games, then visit my blog.

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