Being nice is usually a good thing, but being too nice can wear you down and ruin your relationships. We’re all familiar with people who are too nice (or as I like to call them “nice-aholics”). If you’re reading this article, chances are you might be one of those people. Do you find yourself saying yes to things that you don’t want to do? Do you hold back your opinions because you think it’s the only way to keep the peace? Do you hate conflict so much that you let other people vent at or treat you badly? If any of these sound like something that sounds familiar, then it’s time for an intervention! This blog post is going to take a look at six ways in which being “too” nice isn’t so nice after all.
1. Saying yes to things you don’t want to do
- Saying yes to things you don’t want to do
- Not talking about your feelings because you think it will make the other person feel bad
- Not asking for help if you need it because that would be rude and will make the other person feel bad
- Not standing up for yourself when someone is being mean because then they’ll get upset at you and think less of you, but then again, maybe they’re going through a hard time right now? Maybe so much so that even saying something kind wouldn’t make them feel better? Maybe…but probably not! Just say something nice anyway!
- Taking on too many responsibilities at once (especially those that someone else could easily take care of)
2. Forcing yourself to stay when you know you need to go
It’s important to know when the best time is to leave. Don’t force yourself to stay just because you started something, or because you are already there. When your good intentions no longer align with your needs, it’s okay—and even normal—to go home. When we feel like we “should” do something even when we don’t really want to do it, we tend to resent the task in question and ourselves for having embarked on it in the first place.
We are not our own prisoners: sometimes nice people need an escape route from their own kindnesses!
3. Holding back your opinions
- It’s okay to have different opinions.
- It’s okay to disagree with people, especially if you feel strongly about it.
- Sometimes, those opinions and disagreements can be expressed in a way that is not perceived as “rude” or “mean,” but rather honest, direct and respectful.
- You don’t have to agree with everyone; you are allowed to make decisions that align with your own values and beliefs—even if they differ from others’.
4. Letting people “vent” at you
Letting someone vent at you is a tricky thing. You want to be a good friend or family member, but it’s also important that you take care of yourself in the process. Here are some ways to do just that:
- When someone begins venting, try not to get defensive. It’s natural for our emotions to flare up when someone is lashing out at us, but remember: it’s not about you—it’s about them!
- Be a good listener by asking open-ended questions and encouraging them to continue talking by nodding your head and saying “uh huh.” This will help them feel heard and understood.
- If they seem like they’re going on too long or getting off topic from what made them upset in the first place (which could lead into other topics), politely interrupt and say something like “I’m sensing that there’s more going on here than what we’ve talked about so far.” Then ask if there is anything else weighing heavily on their mind or heart at this time.
- Set boundaries with yourself if necessary by reminding yourself that this person needs love and support right now, not an earful of sympathy or advice (you can give advice later). Also set limits with others around you so they know how much time they can spend with this person before it starts affecting your well-being negatively; maybe suggest doing something positive together instead?
5. Pushing yourself too hard because you think that’s what will make other people happy
It is true that people like it when you do things for them. But sometimes, this can lead to a cycle of guilt and pressure for you. When someone asks you to do something, especially if it’s something out of your usual comfort zone, the immediate response can be: “Oh no! It’s my duty to help them.”
You’re not responsible for making other people happy (and neither are they). If someone asks you out on a date and then gets upset because they didn’t enjoy themselves, it doesn’t make sense to feel guilty about not seeing them again. Similarly, if someone asks for advice or help with something important and then ignores everything you say because they don’t want their ego bruised by the truth…that person isn’t worth worrying about either. Resist any urge to worry that others might be unhappy unless they have expressed this directly — even if they do feel hurt by your actions or words in some way, chances are good that there’s more going on than meets the eye (which brings us back around full circle again).
6. Hiding your true personality and interests
You can’t be yourself if you’re always trying to be nice.
You can’t be yourself if you’re always trying to be what people want you to be.
I’m not saying that it’s bad to be kind, but if being kind is taking away from who you are as a person and how you like to spend your time, then it might not be worth it in the long-run.
It’s not always a bad thing to be nice, but it is important to remember that sometimes it’s not so nice to be nice!
It’s not always a bad thing to be nice, but it is important to remember that sometimes it’s not so nice to be nice!
Being overly-nice can mean you’re compromising your own needs in order to do something for someone else. When you do this too much, it will eventually affect your health and happiness. If a friend or co-worker wants something from you and asks for help or favors, say yes! But don’t spend all of your time helping others without doing anything for yourself. That way, when someone needs help from YOU, they’ll know they can count on YOU instead of having their backs up against the wall because they’re so busy helping other people out (and vice versa).
Being a nice person is a great thing, but it’s easy to get carried away with wanting to make everyone happy. There are many times where being nice can negatively affect both yourself and those around you. It may seem counterintuitive at first, but the more you know how to be honest (with yourself and others), the easier it will be for you to be genuinely kind in your relationships instead of just trying hard not too ruffle any feathers or rock the boat. So next time someone asks for something from you that does not feel right, it might feel uncomfortable at first but try saying no!
- *Section 6: Writing a landing page**
For this section we have been given a brief for writing some new landing pages on an existing website. The goal is to write content aimed specifically at people who are interested in taking one of these courses: “Machine Learning” or “Web Design”.
The focus should be on persuading these specific visitors that they should sign up for the course because they can benefit from it. We need to convince our target audience of the value of these courses through providing detailed information about what they will learn and why it’s important and useful for them.
Some key points about this project:
- These new pages should link back and forth between each other as well as navigation links on other relevant pages within their site (such as home page, about us, contact us etc.).
- For now this doesn’t mean we actually have access to edit or change any existing pages on the website itself – just assume we do so that we can provide better advice about layout options etc.. In future iterations there may be an opportunity do so.
- Remember that good content is readable, scannable, focused on benefits rather than features (and only features when necessary), free from errors like spelling/gram