Telltale Games’ critically acclaimed hit, The Walking Dead, continues in the second episode of the second season titled “A House Divided“. This latest episode from the award-winning game series continues the story of Clementine. Needless to say, Clementine is going to be exactly where players left her at the end of the last episode. Suffice it to say that things will continue to go from bad to worse for the young girl orphaned into an undead apocalypse.
Players can expect the decisions they made in the previous episode to carry over into this episode. Players can also expect the decisions they make in this interactive story to carry over into the next episode so choose wisely as you confront choices and situations that will pit Clementine against both the dead and the living.
This latest episode is now available on the PSN for the PlayStation 3, PC and Mac at all digital outlets, including Steam, at the Xbox Games Store for the Xbox 360, and at the App Store for iOS compatible devices.
[Source: Telltale Games]