Streaming your favorite games has never been easier thanks to Twitch and Youtube. If you’re looking for a way to get started, here’s everything you need to know about how it works, what you need before starting up your own channel, as well as some tips on building an audience!
Title of content: How To Get Your Kids Excited About Video Games Again Label for this section: Introduction
What this section does: Introduces the rest of the blog post
Outline of the post:
Section: The first thing to do is make sure they’re excited about video games again. You may have already achieved that but if not here’s a couple of ways how!
Section: The best way is by getting them involved in the process – whether that be selecting what new titles are going into their collection or coming up with ideas/drawings of their own character/world. But don’t just give them all control over everything because kids will lose interest quickly when there isn’t any direction from an adult; so instead work together on different aspects together so there still remains adult supervision while also giving them enough freedom where they feel like they contributed towards something meaningful. and finally make sure whatever game it may be doesn’t involve violence or contain any foul language or sexual content (as most people would probably already know this one but thought it necessary just in case). See more posts like this on my blog at johnnysokko22 dot wordpress dot com Follow me @johnny_sokko22 Thanks!
You’ve heard of twitch and Youtube, but did you know they’re both interlinked with streaming your game?
You’ve probably heard of Twitch, but what about Youtube? You may be thinking that they sound like the same thing. You would be wrong! Twitch is a live streaming platform while Youtube is a video hosting service. This means that you can upload a video on Youtube and then stream it live through Twitch at the same time for an extra interactive experience for your viewers.
There are other differences too: one has much more emoticons than the other and one allows comments while the other does not (but does have an active chat feature).
Streaming your game means you will be interacting with an audience.
Streaming your game means you will be interacting with an audience. You can interact with your audience by talking to them, or by playing games with them. These two methods of interaction are very different, but both have their benefits.
Talking to your audience allows you to get feedback from them on what they think about the game, how well you play it, and what they would like to see in future videos. When you talk to your viewers directly in a stream it’s easy for them to ask questions or respond back if they want something done differently or have some constructive criticism for you. This kind of direct communication is great because it lets everyone involved know exactly where everyone else stands in terms of thoughts and feelings about the content being produced!
Playing games together also gives viewers something specific to look forward too – not only does this add excitement around upcoming episodes but it also encourages conversation between streamer & viewer since both parties are actively engaged during these types of events (rather than simply watching passively).
In a way Twitch is more interactive because their chat feature is right in the stream and there’s a lot more emoticons.
However, in a way Twitch is more interactive because their chat feature is right in the stream and there’s a lot more emoticons. You can also use Twitch chat to request songs or other things you want to see on stream. But there are some downsides to this. If someone yells something sexually suggestive at you, it might not be that fun for your viewers. Not only that but sometimes people will get really mean about the things they say in chat and then dox you by posting personal information about you (like your address) which can lead to some scary situations if someone decides they want revenge on you or harasses you online. So depending on what kind of person you are and what kind of game content would work well with your audience, either platform could be good for streaming depending on how much interaction they want from their viewers/followers/subscribers.”
You’d think setting up a stream wouldn’t be as complicated as it is, but that’s not true at all.
Here’s the thing: setting up a stream isn’t as easy as you would think. You need a decent computer, with at least 4GB of RAM and an i7 processor. You need to have a good internet connection—if you’re using mobile data, that’s going to be tough. You also need a good microphone, camera (or webcam), headset, and gaming chair. If you’re not sure if your setup is up to snuff—I wasn’t when I started out—there are tons of resources on how to build your own streaming rig on YouTube or Twitch.
The first step is also the most important one – your choice of game to stream.
The first step is also the most important one – your choice of game to stream. The most important question to ask yourself is: who am I and what do I want to do?
If you want to make money, then you need to choose a popular game that people will watch. If you don’t play the biggest games, it’s unlikely anyone will notice your channel or subscribe in order for them to see future content from you. That being said though, if you want people watching your content regularly, playing a popular game does have its advantages as well: more viewers means more ad revenue for example!
However if your goal is not necessarily making money but rather building community around something fun and engaging that everyone can enjoy together – then go ahead! Video games allow us all an opportunity for socializing outside our usual circles while having fun at the same time so please share this joy with others by creating gaming videos on YouTube!
Your game is set up, you’ve gotten all the gear you need and you feel ready to start streaming. But there’s still one thing missing: a community.
But there’s still one thing missing: a community.
As you know, streaming is all about the interaction between streamer and viewer. But how can you expect to get viewers if you don’t have anyone to interact with?
Nowadays there are many ways to find like-minded people who are interested in your game genre, including finding other streamers on Twitch and Youtube, joining Reddit or Discord communities (for example on r/gaming), playing games that have their own communities (like League of Legends) or even creating your own Minecraft server!
So what games are good to start with? A great rule of thumb is to look at what’s popular on Twitch and Youtube and go from there.
So what games are good to start with? A great rule of thumb is to look at what’s popular on Twitch and Youtube and go from there. If a game is growing in popularity, it’s likely that you can find an audience for your stream there.
For example, if you want to be one of the first people streaming PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), then you should definitely do so because PUBG has been one of the most popular games on Twitch and Youtube since its release.
One way to help grow your community is to engage with other streams. This could be by going on another streamer’s channel and participating in the chat, or even just dropping in a comment on one of their videos on Youtube if they’re not live at that moment.
One way to help grow your community is to engage with other streams. This could be by going on another streamer’s channel and participating in the chat, or even just dropping in a comment on one of their videos on Youtube if they’re not live at that moment.
It may seem like a small thing, but when you’re starting out it’s important to build up your audience wherever you can find them—so I’d encourage everyone who wants to get into streaming gaming content on Youtube (or any other platform) to try this for themselves!
You’ve probably heard about streamers and seen their videos but didn’t know what it was all about. Hopefully this article has answered some of your questions on the topic as well as given you some tips on how to get started yourself. We’re excited to see what games you’ll be streaming in the future!