Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 Confirmed


Telltale Games is set to release a 3rd season of Minecraft Story Mode in July, but what will be new? The developer has released some general details about the gameplay and has promised that this will be the best season yet. They’ve also announced that they’re looking for more community feedback to help make the final product truly enjoyable.

Telltale Games is set to release a 3rd season of Minecraft Story Mode in July, but what will be new?

Telltale Games is set to release a third season of Minecraft Story Mode in July, but what will be new?

Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 continues the story of Jesse and friends from the previous seasons. The game has been praised for its heartwarming characters and rollercoaster plot twists. However, there are also many unanswered questions regarding how Telltale plans to wrap up their saga with this final installment.

The first two seasons had over 30 episodes each, so fans may be wondering how much longer they will have to wait before finding out the fate of Jesse and friends.

While it’s too early for any official confirmation about Minecraft: Story Mode Season 4, here are some theories that we hope will appear in Episode 6 (or perhaps even earlier).

The New Season Will Be Less Linear

The first two seasons of Minecraft: Story Mode were linear and had a set path. The game would be played in one direction, with no choices to make. There were puzzles along the way and different routes to take, but ultimately you were just playing through the story as it was written for you.

In Season 3, things are about to change drastically!

According to Telltale Games themselves: “The world is bigger than ever, and now you have more freedom than ever before!” They continued by saying “in season three of Minecraft Story Mode, Jesse will be able to explore places like New Liberty Island or The City where he can get into fights with zombies or even take on other people!”

The Game Will Be More Challenging

With the third season of Minecraft Story Mode’s impending release, it’s a good idea to find out what you can expect from the new season. How will it differ from previous seasons? Will it be more challenging than other games in its genre? Find out!

  • More Challenging Than Previous Seasons: The game will be more difficult than previous seasons by adding new challenges that require you to use your brain more often than before. You’ll have to think through puzzles and scenarios while playing this game, instead of just clicking on things until they happen.
  • More Challenging Than Other Games in Its Genre: Despite being a story-based adventure game with countless other similar titles available today, Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 is unique because it is one of very few titles available today which requires as much skill as this game does when completing objectives or solving puzzles.

Cut Scenes Are Getting an Overhaul

Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 will be more interactive. This means that players will have to make choices during cut scenes that will impact the outcome of the story. The game is also going to be more challenging and will require you to think critically about your decisions as well as how they affect others around you.

Telltale is Looking for More Input from the Fans

Telltale is also looking for more input from the fans on how to improve the game. This is something that I have been talking about for a long time and it’s great to see Telltale taking this into consideration. They want people to give them feedback on what they like and dislike about each episode, as well as suggestions on how they can make the game better in future episodes.

Telltale has already announced their next project will be Batman: The Enemy Within (sequel to Batman: The Telltale Series), but they will still continue working on Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 during that time, so you don’t need to worry about them not being able to keep up with their schedule or anything like that!

Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 Confirmed: A blog around the latest installment in the Minecraft Story Mode series.

Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 Confirmed: A blog around the latest installment in the Minecraft Story Mode series.

  • What we know so far:
  • Telltale Games is set to release a third season of Minecraft Story Mode in July, but what will be new?
  • The New Season Will Be Less Linear
  • The Game Will Be More Challenging
  • Cut Scenes Are Getting an Overhaul


In sum, it’s a great time to be a Minecraft fan. Telltale is looking to expand on their success with Season 3 and beyond. The new challenges should be welcomed by fans of the series and the greater interaction with the community is a great step forward for gamers everywhere.

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