How to Minimize Your Gaming Time


I’ve been playing games for as long as I can remember. They’re a great way to relax and have some fun after a stressful day, but it can be hard to limit yourself when you really enjoy playing them. If this sounds like you, here are some tips for managing your gaming time so that you don’t end up spending all day every day on the computer!

Start with the most important things you need to do that day.

As we mentioned in the previous section, one of the best ways to minimize your gaming time is by starting with the most important thing you need to do that day. This can be a task at work or school, but it also might be something else. If you have a lot of things on your plate, start with the most important one first and then move on from there.

If you don’t have much going on aside from gaming, take this opportunity and make it an “I’m going to spend less time playing video games” day by starting off with whichever activity will take up less time—and therefore allow more time for everything else!

Figure out how much time each task will take.

In order to stop wasting time, we need to first figure out how much time each task will take.

If you’re working on a project and someone says “let me do this for you”, how long will it take them? Do they have any experience with the type of project that you’re working on? Are they qualified for the job at hand? If not, then it’s likely going to take longer than if you did it yourself or hired someone who is qualified.

It’s important to know that your time is valuable and everyone else’s time is also valuable — so don’t waste anyone else’s by letting them waste yours!

Don’t play for as long as you want, play for only as long as you need to in order to relax or get a little entertainment.

One of the most important things to do is not play as long as you want. Instead, play for only as long as you need to in order to relax or get a little entertainment. This will help ensure that you don’t get too caught up in the game and want to keep playing when you really shouldn’t. Set a timer on your phone so that it goes off at regular intervals—every hour or so—to remind yourself that it’s time for bed.

It can also be helpful to set limits on how much time per day (or week) is allowed for gaming, then stick with them instead of letting yourself wander endlessly into virtual worlds where there’s no real consequence for wasting hours and hours away from reality!

When you’re done gaming, treat yourself to something special that isn’t gaming related.

When you’re done gaming, treat yourself to something special that isn’t gaming related. It can be simple or extravagant; it’s up to you! Here are some examples:

  • Go for a walk outside and enjoy the weather.
  • Call a friend and catch up on their life.
  • Read a book in bed or on the couch with a cup of tea (or coffee).
  • Go for a run with your favorite playlists blaring through your headphones as an alternative to gaming music.
  • Go for a swim if you have access to a pool/lake/ocean – this is great exercise while being refreshing at the same time!
  • Go for an afternoon bike ride around town with friends or family members who also want to reduce their screen time but enjoy this activity together (be careful though – not everyone likes biking so make sure everyone is comfortable with doing so beforehand!).

Do a healthy activity when you’re feeling restless.

When you’re feeling restless and want to do something, instead of playing a game that will only make you feel worse after the fact, do something healthy! Get your body moving with some exercise or yoga. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated—even just walking around is better than nothing. Do something that makes you feel good about yourself and makes your body feel good too.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s okay to play video games sometimes. I mean, who doesn’t like gaming now and then? But if it starts taking over your life in any way (like spending hours each day on Facebook), then take steps to minimize the time spent on those activities every day so they don’t become an addiction.

Set limits for yourself about when you’ll stop gaming and stick to them.

No matter what game you’re playing, there will come a point when the urge to keep playing becomes stronger than your desire to stop. To avoid this situation, set limits for yourself about when you’ll stop gaming and stick to them.

  • Set a time limit for yourself to do something else: For example, if you know that after 45 minutes of playing Minecraft on any given day, it’s time for bed, then stick with that rule no matter how much fun things are going! If this sounds difficult at first (and trust me it will be), remember why doing this is important.
  • Set a time limit for yourself to do something healthy: Perhaps every Sunday afternoon at 2 pm is Physical Therapy time so that means no gaming during those hours unless there’s an emergency (like being chased by zombies). Again—remember why doing this is important!
  • Set a time limit for yourself in general: If your goal is not necessarily setting new restrictions but rather reminding yourself of existing ones or just keeping track of how much time has passed so far in case of emergencies (see above), then keeping track using an app could help out here too!

Have someone help you keep track of your time, so that you don’t have to pay attention to it while you’re playing.

  • Have a friend or family member keep track of your time.
  • Make sure this person is trustworthy, not too strict, not too lenient, and not too harsh.

It can be hard to limit yourself when it comes to gaming but there are ways around this.

It can be hard to limit yourself when it comes to gaming but there are ways around this.

  • It’s possible to limit how much time you spend playing video games by setting a daily time limit, or having a friend or partner help you keep track of your time.
  • Make sure that you have a plan for your day, and prioritize what needs to be done first. Having something planned will make it easier for you to say no when someone asks if they can play later on in the day (or even just during the weekend).


It’s not easy to limit yourself when it comes to gaming, but there are ways around this. Try some of these strategies and you may find that it’s easier than you thought! It’s all about setting boundaries for yourself and following through with them, even if they seem impossible at first. If you need help, try enlisting someone else as your “guardian angel” – they’ll keep an eye on your time so all have to do is focus on having fun while knowing that there will come a time when you have to stop.

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