Should I Play New Video Games? Some Tips


How many times have you been on the fence about whether to buy a new video game? I mean, you’ve been tempted. But then what if there were smarter things for you to do with your money? What about the games you already own? Shouldn’t you stick with those? Here are some tips for deciding whether or not that new game will be worth it.

Do you want to play a new game or stick with something you’re already good at?

Whether you’re interested in a new game or an old favorite, there are some things you should consider before picking it up:

  • What is the game about?
  • Are there any special features or gameplay mechanics?
  • What is the genre of this game and does that appeal to you? For example, I like RPGs and shooters, but don’t enjoy puzzle games as much.
  • How long will it take me to complete this game if I play at my normal pace? If this doesn’t sound like something that appeals to you, maybe steer clear! You might be better off with something shorter for now (10 hours instead of 100).
  • What’s the price tag on this title compared to others similar titles in its genre or category? This is especially important because not only do some games cost more than others—some may also require additional purchases after purchasing through an online store such as Steam or Origin Games where other options may have been available at launch time. However keep in mind as well: some games have microtransactions which allow players who aren’t willing/able pay full price upfront still find value in what they’re playing despite having no initial investment required outside time spent playing itself.”

How much are you willing to spend?

Before you decide if it’s worth it to buy a new video game, you have to think about what your budget is going to be like. Are you willing and able to spend more than $60 on this game? Do you have a lot of extra money that could go toward games? Or do you want to wait until the price drops before purchasing anything?

The answer can change depending on the game. If a big title just came out, it might be hard for me not to spend all my money on that one thing—but if I’m saving up for something else (like my next semester of college), then maybe I should hold off on buying something at full retail price until later when there are sales or coupons available.

What could you do with the money for your gaming session?

With that money, you could save it and buy something else later. You could donate the money to charity or a good cause. You could spend it on a game that you already own and love so much that you play it again and again (like me with Super Mario 64).

Or if none of these things sound appealing to you, then maybe don’t play the new game at all! There’s nothing wrong with sticking to what’s comfortable; spending your free time how you want is a perfectly valid choice too!

What about that reward system above?

So, what about that reward system above? Can you use it to help you decide which games you should play and how much money you should spend on them?

Yes! The second part of the reward system is really just a budget for game purchases. You can use it to determine how much cash is okay to spend on a new video game in terms of hours of fun. (If a game costs more than $5 per hour of fun, don’t buy it.) If your account balance is low, maybe don’t buy any new games until your bank account has recovered. And if there are several great games out there but they all cost more than $5 per hour of fun, consider waiting until one comes out that’s less expensive or wait until the next sale comes along before buying any new titles at all—this way, when that sale happens again later on down the line, there’ll be some cash saved up already available just waiting for another round of savings opportunities!

Have you tried something new?

Have you tried something new?

If you’re not feeling inspired, then how about taking a look at the game library on your PlayStation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch. There are so many games available now that there is bound to be something in there that grabs your attention. Maybe it’s a game that has been out for a while but one that you have never tried before and therefore doesn’t even come close to being completed because of your lack of interest in playing it. Or maybe it’s an older game that was made by developers who were trying to go against the grain by creating something different from what was popular at the time. This could mean anything from gameplay elements like having multiple protagonists who each control one character out of four playable characters (Resistance: Fall of Man), or having no onscreen indicators for where enemies are located (Alien: Isolation). Whatever it is, this kind of experimentation goes hand-in-hand with innovation and can be some of the most rewarding experiences when playing video games.

Only buy games that are worth it.

Only buy games that are worth it.

This is the most obvious tip of all, but it’s worth saying again: only buy games that are worth your time and money. Don’t waste your hard-earned cash on a new game that you’ll only play once or twice before moving on to something else entirely. Even if it’s recommended by friends or critics, if you know deep down inside that this game won’t be as fun for you as others you’ve played in the past then don’t buy it! You’ll just end up feeling frustrated and annoyed, which means you won’t get any enjoyment out of playing at all.

To help decide whether an upcoming release will be worth buying (or renting), check out our reviews section where we give each new title a rating based on how much fun we had with it during our time with it (and also after). While our reviews aren’t perfect—we do have an inherent bias toward certain genres over others—they should give potential buyers enough information about what kind of experience they can expect from each one so there’s no need for guesswork when deciding between them!


The bottom line is this: if you’re going to buy a game, make sure it’s one you want to play for a long time. Don’t just pick up something on the whim or because it was cheap at the store. That way, the investment will pay off in more ways than one! Remember that there are plenty of free games online too—these can help diversify your gaming experience without costing any extra money.

I hope these tips have helped give you some direction when deciding on what kind of video games to purchase and play!

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