Pac-Man is one of the most famous arcade games of all time. It was so popular that it was almost included in a museum before the museum closed. It is played by moving around the screen to eat dots and avoid ghosts. Once you are able to eat all the dots, you will advance to the next level and hear Pikachu exclaiming, “Pikachu!” For those who were able to beat the game and reach level 255, you are taken back to level 1 and start again with a new maze and new ghosts by hearing Donkey Kong Jr. exclaiming, “Here we go!” Pac-Man is known for its iconic yellow figure with a mouth that can move in four directions from left to right or up down on the screen.
# Which visualization best communicates your data?
For this project I chose “Which visualization best communicates your data?” because I found this question interesting. Through further research I found that there were some interesting visualizations done on video games sales around the world based on different countries, continents, or different types of gaming systems such as Playstation(PS4), Xbox One or Nintendo Switch.
# What should be avoided when creating your visualizations?
There are several things that should be avoided when creating visualizations: confusing figures (in particular using misleading y-axis scales), overuse of “chart junk”, using 3D graphics when 2D will do fine (this will create unnecessary clutter and make reading charts more difficult) , failing to label axes properly (if they’re not labelled clearly then readers won’t know what each axis represents), poor font choices: use clear typefaces rather than hard-to-read ones which can make reading figures difficult), making sure there isn’t an excessive amount of white space between bars/lines/dots etc). In general avoid clutter as much as possible – less really is
I have never been that good at playing Pac-Man, but I did enjoy recognizing quotes from other video games in it.
I have never been that good at playing Pac-Man, but I did enjoy recognizing quotes from other video games in it. Pac-Man is a classic, but there are many more games out there that have the same feel or are even better.
“C’mon, hurry up!” – Super Mario
“C’mon, hurry up!” – Super Mario
Mario and Luigi are two of the most famous gaming characters ever made. They’re also known for being impatient—especially when they’re hungry. While this quote is more commonly uttered by Mario’s brother Luigi, it can also be heard from time to time in game play as well.
One of the first soundbyte you can hear from Pac-Man is Mario and Luigi yelling at the player for moving too slowly.
One of the first soundbytes you can hear from Pac-Man is Mario and Luigi yelling at the player for moving too slowly.
“You lose!” – Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
You lose!
This soundbyte is heard when you lose all your lives. It’s the first time this soundbyte was used in a video game, and it was also used in the original Zelda game. It can be heard in other games, like Super Mario Bros., which shares some similarities with Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
Also known as the first time you lose all your lives and die, you hear the familiar Zelda “You Lose” tone.
Also known as the first time you lose all your lives and die, you hear the familiar Zelda “You Lose” tone. This sound can also be heard in other games including Super Mario Bros., which was released a few years prior. In fact, this sound is used in the Mario Kart series, but we’ll get to that later.
“Take this!” – Mappy
In 1983, Namco released a game called Mappy. It was a side-scrolling video game where you controlled a police officer named Mappy as he collected items and avoided enemies. One of the most famous quotes from this game is when Mappy says “Take this!” after attacking an enemy.
Right after you eat a power pellet and become invincible and can kill ghosts, there is an exclamation “Take This!” to get players hyped up.
The power pellet is the most important item in the game, and it’s what every player needs to collect as much as possible. They only last for a short time, but they can be used to kill ghosts and make you invincible while they are active.
When you get a power pellet, you’ll hear an exclamation of “Take This!” from the ghost that ate it and then chase down the nearest ghost on screen to eat them (even if it’s not an enemy or one that you need to eat). This will allow you to eat all of their dots before becoming vulnerable again—a good way to rack up points!
“Here we go!” – Donkey Kong Jr.
This is the last level in Donkey Kong Jr. It’s a labyrinth maze, and it has three new ghosts with different colors: red, blue and yellow. Additionally, Donkey Kong Jr. can be heard saying his famous catchphrase “here we go” during this stage—a nice nod to players who have been playing this game for years.
For those who were able to beat the game and reach level 255, you are taken back to level 1 and start again with a new maze and new ghosts by hearing Donkey Kong Jr. exclaiming, “Here we go!”
- You’ve been playing for hours and suddenly, the game is over. Your high score is no longer the top of the list; it’s been beaten by someone else. There’s only one thing left to do: start over!
- There you are, moving through level after level of Pac-Man while dodging ghosts and eating pellets (and probably pizza). Then, all of a sudden…BOOM! The screen flashes red and displays “You Lose.” You’re taken back to 1-1 with a new maze full of ghosts ready for another round of chomping chompage!
- For those who were able to beat the game and reach level 255—the maximum number possible—you are taken back to level 1 and start again with a new maze and new ghosts by hearing Donkey Kong Jr. exclaiming “Here we go!”
Well, what did you think? Did you recognize these popular sounds? If there are any other famous gaming quotes you remember that Pac-Man used, please share them in the comments below.