Oh how quickly things change. Not too long ago the Video Game Voter’s Network (VGVN) and the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) asked gamers to help speak out against California’s Video Game Law. Tons of people within the gaming industry stood behind the ESA and VGVN as they seemingly were speaking out for gamers protecting our rights to play games. That was in June of 2011, and just seven months later the ESA and its subsidiary, Video Game Voters Network, are backing SOPA/PIPA two bills that could change our industry.
Today many websites, including some gaming websites, are shutting down in protest of SOPA/PIPA, but some gamers have gone to VGVN’s Facebook Page to let them know how angry they are that they support both bills. Their entire page is filled with comments like these:
“It is a horrible that VGVN which has so long stood for video gamers and called on us gamers to help repeal California’s law on video games, would betray us. It is almost more than I can stomach.”
“I’m sorry, did my back hurt your knife?”
“It’s become pretty clear that VGVN is little more than an example of ESA astroturfing in more support of the corporate interests of its member companies than in anything resembling true consumer advocacy for those who enjoy gaming.”
“Gentlemen, you can’t support SOPA and call yourselves the voice of the video game voters! Shame on you!”
“This page just keep getting better and better. Win or lose on SOPA/PIPA, I can’t see how anyway will take VGVN seriously again after all this silence”
“Do these people even check their wall? Their support of SOPA is outrageous enough, ignoring gamers is worst.”
I’m happy to see so many gamers speak out against SOPA on VGVN’s Facebook page and I encourage all gamers to follow suit. I’ve already voiced my opinion on the matter and I hope to see more gamers voice their anger on their Facebook page. What’s even worse is if you go to the Video Game Voter’s Network website you’ll see a tab that says “Join the Truth Squad” under that it reads: “Video games are constantly under attack. It’s up to us to combat gaming myths and to show the benefits of computer and video games.” Their silence in support of SOPA/PIPA with that displaying on their website is a slap in the face to gamers and I feel bad for anyone who ever thought that the VGVN were out to defend the “rights” of gamers.