From Chicklet To Chaos! Smartphone Apps Are Making Our Kids Dumber


If you’re a parent, then you know how hard it is to keep up with the latest trends that your kids are into. Everything seems to change so fast! But what’s more alarming is how these trends are affecting the way our children think and behave. Take the smartphone. As amazing as it is that we can now carry around a world of information in our pockets, there’s no denying that this device is causing us all to lose some of our brainpower. Nowhere does this seem truer than in our kids’ case. It’s not their fault, though—they’re just growing up in a world where everything can be learned from an app or online video. So how do we help them regain their ability to think for themselves? We’ll take a look at these questions and more in today’s blog post about mobile apps and how they affect our kids.

Mobile Apps Are Making Our Kids Dumber

Mobile apps are designed to be addictive. They’re designed to keep kids glued to the screen, and they often use sophisticated psychological techniques to do so.

Apps are easy to use. Most modern smartphone apps were created with a very specific type of user in mind: a child between 3 and 8 years old who isn’t yet capable of reading or writing at a level that would make navigation difficult for them. In other words, they are easy for kids (and adults) of all ages and abilities to learn how to use quickly—which is exactly what makes them so appealing!

Apps are fun! Because mobile devices have become such an integral part of our lives, people want apps that provide an entertaining experience while also being useful for everyday tasks like finding directions or sending text messages without having access any other type of device (such as laptops). This means there’s more demand than ever before when it comes time choosing which new app might become popular among its peers.”

Number One Brain-Draining App Is The Smartphone

Smartphones are the number one brain-draining app. They’re a distraction, a time-waster, and even a source of anxiety and depression. So why do we put up with them? Because we need to keep up with the Joneses and our kids want them so bad. We let them use their phones at night before bedtime, during lunch, after school…and all day long on weekends.

They can’t sit still without playing games or watching YouTube videos on their smartphones—it’s becoming common knowledge that these devices have become an integral part of our lives as they allow us to communicate instantly on social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp where we can express ourselves freely without having to face each other directly in real life situations such as job interviews or dates where eye contact is crucial in maintaining relationships between people who may be attracted towards each other but don’t know how exactly they should express it without coming off awkwardly cheesy which could potentially lead into disappointment later down the road if things don’t work out due lack of communication skills learned through experience rather than education which happens rarely nowadays because most parents teach their children how NOT do things rather than how DO things properly which results in lack efficiency when performing tasks involving manual labor (such as yard work).

The Video Game Effect

What’s more, video games can also cause serious health problems, such as obesity and sleep disorders. A 2014 study showed that children who play violent video games have an increased risk of aggression later in life. The same study also found that the more time kids spend playing those kinds of videogames, the more likely they are to display aggressive behavior.

Additionally, excessive gaming can lead to addiction; one analysis suggests that up to 1 in 10 gamers suffer from some form of video game addiction—and it’s not just adults who suffer from this issue. According to research cited by TIME magazine: “Kids with access to smartphones or tablets in their bedrooms are twice as likely as other children (aged 10-17) without such devices at home to be overweight or obese.”

The Internet: A Fix For Everything

The internet is a great resource for learning, but it can also be a distraction. There is so much information available to us on the internet that can help our kids learn and grow, but there are also many things that will harm them. The Internet can be used as an educational tool or a time-waster—it’s up to you to decide which one your child uses the most.

The key here is moderation; using the internet appropriately will allow your child access to all its benefits while minimizing any potential hazards.

Kids would be best served if they could unplug more often.

Our children would be much better off if they could unplug more often. Let’s face it, most kids are glued to their phones and tablets, but we need to teach them that there is so much more than just this little device.

Kids need to play outside with friends because the outdoors teaches them about nature and how everything works together in harmony. They learn that if you mess up the environment, everyone suffers from it. Kids should be able to read books because reading builds vocabulary and imagination skills at an early age which will help them when they grow up as well as in school when they have assignments or tests on certain topics such as history or science; reading also helps kids become better writers later on in life by learning sentence structure & punctuation etc…

Kids should also talk with each other more often instead of typing all day long on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc… Instead of sending messages back & forth over text messaging apps like WhatsApp why not pick up your phone (or go online) once a week at least? Texting can cause arguments between friends too easily so make sure both parties involved agree beforehand before sending anything!”


I hope this article has been helpful in reminding you that mobile apps are not the end-all be-all of entertainment and education. They have some great uses, but we can’t forget that there are plenty of other ways to engage our children’s brains in meaningful learning activities without relying completely on smartphones or tablets.

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