Call Of Duty 3 Modern Warfare Tips And Tricks


Call Of Duty 3 Modern Warfare Tips And Tricks

The first weapon you have is your own two hands.

The first weapon you have is your own two hands. This is the most important tip in this entire article. You can punch with them, block with them and even throw with them as well. In fact, every attack in the game that has a button assigned to it will also use your hands if there’s no weapon equipped. So when you see an enemy barreling towards you and you need to kick him away, hit Y or B to perform a front kick instead of wielding any kind of melee weapon just yet!

Punching can be used strategically against enemies who are blocking attacks or shooting at you from afar by throwing punches through their defense (which makes up for how inaccurate they are). If someone is shooting at your head while fighting close combat with another foe nearby, try punching through his defenses while he isn’t expecting it and score yourself some free hits on him while still keeping up pressure on your original target!

When someone jumps out of a window and lands on the ground, they will get hurt and be there for the taking.

When someone jumps out of a window and lands on the ground, they will get hurt and be there for the taking. If you can be sneaky enough to take advantage of this, it can give you an edge in battle.

If you’re trying to take advantage of this, make sure that no one sees what’s going on. You don’t want them to know because then they will try to do the same thing as well!

When someone comes at you with this strategy or tactic, just aim at them with your gun and shoot them before they get up again. It’s easy if they’re not expecting anything bad happening so quickly!

When you are on a team, you can use this to your advantage.

If you’re playing on a team, this is an opportunity to use your teammates to your advantage. For example, if someone is getting shot at by a tank and they are low on health, you can heal them so that they can fight back. You can also heal yourself if necessary so that you don’t die! However, be careful about healing people near tanks or other enemy soldiers because sometimes there could be mines around them that could kill you instead of helping your friend survive their encounter with danger!

Another great thing about having other players in Call of Duty 3 is when someone dies but has some points left over from killing enemies before being killed themselves (known as “capping” points). If this happens then these leftover points will go towards whoever kills him or her with an explosive weapon such as grenades or rockets; thereby giving them even more points than usual just for doing something simple like throwing one object into another one’s path while standing close enough not only get credit but also keep all those valuable items safe from harm during transit time between physical locations!

You can run over bad guys with a car or tank.

You can run over bad guys with a car or tank. You need to be careful, though: if you don’t have enough speed, it won’t work. The car needs to be going fast enough for the bad guy to get hit by the car and not just slide along the side of it.

You should also try not to use this strategy in tight quarters—for example, when you’re trying to drive through a narrow alleyway or between buildings that are really close together. If there aren’t any cars around and there’s plenty of room on either side, it will work fine. But if you find yourself stuck in between two buildings while driving toward an enemy guard post—don’t try this! Your car will crash into one building or another before getting close enough for your enemy soldier(s) to get squashed under its wheels… so just forget about hitting them with your vehicle right now.

Sometimes you will only get five seconds to do something.

Sometimes you will only get five seconds to do something. This is one of the challenges of Call Of Duty 3, which can be a lot of fun. The game requires quick thinking and decision making skills because there are many things that need to be done in a short amount of time. Quick decisions are necessary as they will determine whether or not you succeed in completing your objective or fail miserably.

One thing that is important to keep in mind when playing this game is that sometimes you won’t get enough time to complete all tasks on your list so it’s best if you always have a backup plan ready for when things go wrong and don’t work out as planned!

You should learn how to reload quickly.

In Call of Duty 3, you can reload your weapon at any time. This is an important feature to take advantage of, as it allows you to get back into the fight faster than if you’re forced to wait until a full reload is complete.

The following are some key tips for learning how to reload quickly:

  • Pressing the “reload” button will reload your weapon (and switch weapons if necessary). If no other weapon is equipped and there aren’t any grenades available, pressing this button will bring up the grenade interface instead.
  • When moving forward from cover into an adjacent area that has no enemies present or facing another enemy player’s direction, this button will automatically switch weapons while bringing up your previous sidearm if one was equipped before moving out of cover.
  • When prone or swimming with no enemies nearby and no sidearms equipped, pressing this button brings up your last-used primary weapon (or grenades if none have been selected).

If these are not enough examples for you on how often it can come in handy to be able to quickly reload in Call Of Duty 3 Modern Warfare then I have one final trick that may convince even those who refuse advice from others:

You don’t want to get too trigger happy because you need to conserve ammunition sometimes.

Playing the game efficiently will help you survive longer. You don’t want to get too trigger happy because you need to conserve ammunition sometimes. If you’re running around, looking for weapons and ammunition, or hiding, then the enemy team can easily find and kill you.

When your gun is empty, don’t reload it right away; instead take cover behind something until an enemy approaches so that you can kill him with your knife. Try not to waste time changing weapons either; stick with a single weapon until all of its rounds are gone before switching to another one (unless it’s getting low on ammo).

You can catch bad guys by surprise by running up to them from behind them and pressing the melee attack button.

  • You can sneak up on bad guys by running up to them from behind them and pressing the melee attack button.
  • If you’re in a firefight with a couple of enemies, run around the side of cover so that one of your foes is directly behind you, then run up and melee attack him. This will catch him off guard and he’ll be knocked down for several seconds as he tries to regain his footing.

There is no such thing as an ideal weapon in this game.

There is no such thing as an ideal weapon in this game. There are many different weapons, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Each weapon has its own unique characteristics, look and firing sound.

For example: the MP5K submachine gun is a very fast firing weapon that does not need to be reloaded very often because it has a high rate of fire (the number of bullets fired per minute). This makes it ideal for close range combat when you need to fire quickly at short distances or if you want to spray bullets on enemies from far away with no recoil from the recoil of your shot hitting targets around you in multiplayer mode online games online gaming online game

You can throw back grenades that have been tossed at you or your teammates.

If an enemy throws a grenade at you or one of your teammates, the best course of action is to use the grenade launcher. The further away from an opponent’s position that you are, the better chance you have of hitting them with their own grenade. This can be done from up to 1/2 mile away.

Always stay aware of where the enemies are lying in wait for you or your teammates and be prepared for an attack from them at any moment.

There is a reason why Call Of Duty 3 and other first-person shooters have been so popular for so long. They are fun, exciting, and give players the chance to play out their own little war movie fantasies.

However, aside from all the fun that comes with playing these games, there are also some serious tactics you can use when playing online multiplayer modes. These tactics will help you win more matches and get better at competing against other players around the world.

Call Of Duty 3 Modern Warfare Tips And Tricks

Call Of Duty 3 Modern Warfare Tips And Tricks

To begin, it is important to have a good understanding of the controls and buttons used in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The default settings are listed below:

  • A Button- Jump/Go prone
  • B Button- Reload weapon
  • X Button- Swap weapons or throw away current weapon (if you have one)
  • Y Button- Interact with objectives or doors (or drop grenades if you have any)


As you can see, there are lots of tips and tricks that you should be using. All the tips above will help you win more battles and get more points. There are many different strategies and tactics to use in this game so try using one today!

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