The Boomshot is a weapon that was introduced in Gears of War 4. It is described as a “grenade launcher on steroids” and it’s a powerful weapon that fires grenades at high velocities and kills enemies in an explosion.
Section:The gun, labelled as the Boomshot, is described by JD as a “grenade launcher on steroids” because the gun launches grenades at high velocities and it hits enemies in an explosion.
The Boomshot is a gun that launches grenades at high velocities and it hits enemies in an explosion. The grenades are bigger than normal ones, so you can take out enemies who are close to the explosion as well as those who are further away from the blast radius.
When a grenade explodes, it can take out enemies who are close to the explosion and it will take half of the health of enemies who are further away.
Explosions are more powerful the closer you are to the explosion. The further away you are from an explosion, the less damage it will do.
- Explosions can hit enemies hiding behind cover.
- Explosions can hit enemies in different directions and locations. For example, if an enemy is hiding behind a box and you throw a grenade at them, there’s a chance that it might go over their head or under their feet depending on where they’re hiding!
The grenades can also detonate if they hit enemies who are hiding behind cover.
In the game, your grenades can also detonate if they hit enemies who are hiding behind cover. You can also use this to your advantage: sometimes, you will drop a grenade and it will bounce off of an enemy’s shield and explode in their face. This is called a “cooked” grenade, because it has been cooked on the enemy’s shield before it detonated.
Sometimes, when you throw a grenade and there are no enemies around to get hit by it, the explosive device may still go off in midair. This happens because of physics—when an object falls from high enough up into air (or water), gravity pulls it down faster than the speed at which it was falling before. When this happens with grenades (which are heavy), they fall very quickly towards Earth! This means that if someone throws one far away but doesn’t pull out their gun fast enough before letting go of R2/RT so that they can aim at where they want them thrown
There is no reload time for the Boomshot, but players need to wait for the weapon to cool down after each use.
There is no reload time for the Boomshot, but players need to wait for the weapon to cool down after each use. This means that if you fire continuously, you will not be able to shoot until it has cooled down. If you don’t use the weapon at all, it will cool down faster.
However, since it only takes about one second for this to happen, this does not give any advantage to opponents, but instead it just means players have less than a second to wait before using their next Boomshot.
However, since it only takes about one second for this to happen, this does not give any advantage to opponents, but instead it just means players have less than a second to wait before using their next Boomshot. The Boomshot is useful when fighting multiple enemies; you can fire rapidly at all of them and destroy them much faster than if you had used another weapon such as the Sniper Rifle or Rocket Launcher. This makes the Boomshot great for taking out enemy teams that are trying to take control of an area or objective within a game mode like Capture the Flag because you can constantly shoot your enemy without having to reload your gun every few seconds like with other weapons such as Assault Rifles or Pistols.
The weapon is especially useful when multiple enemies are in close proximity to each other as you can take them all out with one fire. One shot of the Boomshot will provide enough power to kill most enemies in Gears of War 4.
The weapon is especially useful when multiple enemies are in close proximity to each other as you can take them all out with one fire. One shot of the Boomshot will provide enough power to kill most enemies in Gears of War 4.
This weapon is helpful in any situation when there are lots of enemies around, or if you’re cornered by a group that’s trying to gang up on you. The Boomshot can also be used to destroy cover and knock back any enemy who tries to hide behind it, which may prove useful if they’ve been shooting at you from behind cover for some time and won’t let up until they know that there’s no longer anything between them and death (that is, your Boomshot).
The Boomshot may not be the best weapon in Gears of War 4, but it is still a very useful and powerful weapon that can help you defeat your opponents. It is one of the most popular weapons in the game, so if you want to try it out for yourself then be sure to check out our guide on where and how to get this gun.