The Royal Treatment


Well, my dino friends. It’s been a while since we last spoke. I hope you’re all doing well and living the life that you want to live. I know things can be tough sometimes, but remember if ever you feel down, just take a few minutes to reflect on how awesome it is that you’re alive in the first place!

The Royal Treatment

The Royal Treatment is a metaphor for how everyone should be treated by someone they admire or respect.

It is also the name of an illustration I made where I imagined how dinosaurs would have reacted if they had been given the same treatment as humans. It was featured in a magazine, but since then it has gained popularity among people who are against fossil fuels and want to save the dinos that are still alive today.

I hope that you’ll enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed making them!

Horses and dinosaurs– it’s a strange combination, but one that works in a spectacular way.

Horses and dinosaurs– it’s a strange combination, but one that works in a spectacular way. The Royal Treatment is the blog of a dinosaur who needs to survive and live on.

This story is about the royal treatment given to a dinosaur by an assistant wrangler.

The story is about a dinosaur and its trainer. The trainer is the assistant wrangler, and he’s the one who keeps the dino on the right track. He’s always there to keep it on track, but then something happens when they both go off on an adventure together while training another dinosaur…

The wrangler is always there to keep the dino on teh right track.

The wrangler is the person who keeps the animals on track, and safe. The wrangler is always there to keep the dino on teh right track.

The wranglers are not only good at training the dinos, they also help with other things like making sure it’s healthy and happy.

However there was no man in this story, only a dinosaur doing what he had to do to survive.

The dinosaur is an excellent example of a character who has to overcome many obstacles in order to survive and live on. He cannot be deterred, no matter what happens to him. It is a story about surviving in a world where everything seems against you and everyone wants you dead. This story has been told in many different ways throughout time, but they all have the same message: sometimes it’s hard being a survivor when everyone else is trying to kill you or stop you from surviving. But there are ways around this problem if we keep our heads up high and never give up hope that one day we might see something better than what we have now as far as survival goes!

The treatment given to the dino by its trainer is used as a metaphor for how everyone should be treated by someone they admire or respect.

The way the dino is treated by its trainer is used as a metaphor for how everyone should be treated by someone they admire or respect. By treating the dino like a king, you are treating yourself like royalty. If your boss treats you like royalty, then you need to treat your employees like royalty. The same goes for friends, family and other relationships in your life that matter!


The Royal Treatment is a book that will leave you speechless. I don’t remember a time when I was so enthralled with a story that it felt like everything else around me didn’t matter. This book changed my life and the way I think about people in general. This story truly shows how we should treat others with respect no matter who they are because everyone has something to offer whether it be friendship, kindness, or love. It also teaches us how important family really is by showing an example of unconditional love between siblings even when they disagree on things like religion or politics. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants an amazing read filled with laughter and tears!

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