Strafe Technique for PUBG Beginners


Playing PUBG is a lot like being in a real life battle. You have to know how to aim at your enemy, and you have to know how to strafe at the same time. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but with some practice you will get the hang of it.

Section title: Strafe Technique for PUBG Beginners.

Strafe Technique for PUBG Beginners: a blog about aiming in pubg and how to improve.

Strafe Technique for PUBG Beginners: a blog about aiming in pubg and how to improve.

Content: If you are new to the game of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), you have likely realized that this is a very different game from most shooters.

In this guide, we will go over some of the basic principles of aiming in PUBG. We’ll cover a few things:

  • Why it is important to be able to aim at the same time as moving around
  • How to improve your overall aim and kill ratio
  • Which settings are best for you

– Most shooters you will play (Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc.) are based on a HUD and crosshair. In these games, your crosshair naturally converges with the target as you draw your weapon and aims it at an enemy player.

One of the most common questions that we get is “How do I aim in PUBG?” The answer is simple: you need to learn how to strafe and fire at the same time. Most shooters you will play (Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc.) are based on a HUD and crosshair. In these games, your crosshair naturally converges with the target as you draw your weapon and aims it at an enemy player.

In PUBG however, this isn’t how aiming works at all! The crosshair is not automatic; it doesn’t just magically point itself at an enemy when they appear in front of you — instead it sits stationary until you tell it otherwise by moving the mouse left or right. Because of this, players need to learn how to strafe while firing their weapons accurately so that they can hit targets from long distances without having them run away before getting hit by bullets aimed directly at them!

– This is not the case with PUBG. In PUBG, aiming down sights (ADS) is handled like any other FPS game and only gives you precision. In order to increase accuracy, you need to understand how strafing works.

The term “strafing” is used to describe the act of moving forward, backward or sideways while aiming. It’s a type of movement that allows you to dodge incoming fire and keep your enemies in your sights as you move around them. While you may be able to aim and shoot just fine, strafing can improve both how quickly and accurately you can fire at targets.

To strafe properly:

  • Tap left or right on the directional pad in order to change direction
  • Hold down LT (L3 on PS4) and tap left or right on DPAD to change direction quickly

Learning how to aim in PUBG involves learning how to strafe and fire at the same time

To strafe, you move your character left or right while firing at the same time. This is a useful technique because it allows you to fire at enemies while moving in order to avoid getting shot.

To get good at strafing, practice it in the matches. You can also do this by shooting at an object on the ground and then moving around it as if it were an enemy.

If you are new to PUBG, then learning how to aim correctly is crucial if you want a higher kill/death ratio and more wins!


We hope you enjoyed our post about strafing in PUBG! There are many techniques to learn and practice, but with time and dedication, anyone can become a great player.

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