How to Succeed Playing Minesweeper


If you’re new to Minesweeper and want to be an expert at the game, you’ll need two things: practice and patience. Once you gain an understanding of how the game works, you’ll also need some strategy. Minesweeper is a mix of luck and strategy. If luck is not on your side, though, you can use some tactics to make the best out of a bad situation. This blog will explain how to solve Minesweeper puzzles in either case because mines are randomly placed throughout the grid. You will learn how to avoid them or clear their surrounding squares anyway!

The key to Minesweeper is finding the first mine.

The key to Minesweeper is finding the first mine.

The first mine is usually found in the top left corner, because that’s where most people place their mines when they’re clearing out a grid of squares. It’s also possible for it to be in one of the corners (if you happen to be playing on an 8×8 board), or even on a 1×1 or 1×2 space.

First mines tend to appear in corners.

The first mines tend to appear in corners.

Look for patterns in the first few squares.

Look for spaces that are the same as the surrounding squares.

Look for spaces that are different from the surrounding squares (if you’ve already detected a corner).

Look for spaces that are close to the edge of the board (mines tend to be placed near edges).

When solving the first few squares, look for patterns.

When solving the first few squares, look for patterns. This will help you learn how the mines are placed and where they are located.

For example, in the first picture below we see a pattern that tells us that there is one mine beneath each number 2 on the grid. So if you look at any square with a number 2 on it in your initial board, you’ll know that there’s probably a mine hidden somewhere underneath it.

The first mine is usually found on 1×1 or 1×2 spaces.

The first mine is usually found on 1×1 or 1×2 spaces.

The first mine is usually found on 1×2 spaces.

The first mine is usually found on 1×2 squares.

In general, be wary of 3×1 and 2×2 spaces near the edge of the board.

In general, be wary of 3×1 and 2×2 spaces near the edge of the board. These are the most likely to have a mine in them. If possible, leave these for last when you’re clearing out spaces.

The best way to find a first mine is by identifying squares with high probabilities of being free spaces.

The first step to successfully clearing a minefield is identifying squares with high probabilities of being free spaces. There are two main ways to do this: look for patterns in the first few squares, or look for patterns in the first few mines.

For example, if we were playing Minesweeper and had already clicked on several squares that turned out to be mines, we would know that it’s likely those same white squares will be mines as well. Or if we had identified some squares as containing bombs but not others (for instance, because one corner of your current square has been revealed), then you can assume there are no bombs beneath that particular square.

Look for opportunities to identify spaces that are definitely safe.

Look for opportunities to identify spaces that are definitely safe.

If you see a square with two adjacent squares already marked as safe, then it must be safe. If the two adjacent squares are both mines, then this square must be a mine. This is how you can identify spaces that are definitely safe: look at the adjacent squares and see if they’re all mines or all bombs.

Once you find your first mine, you’ll be able to safely clear away other squares nearby!

Once you find your first mine, you’ll be able to safely clear away other squares nearby!

Let’s say you have no idea where any mines are and you’re just playing the game to pass time. You look at the board and see a bunch of random numbers in the grid.

Here are some ways that could happen:

  • You could have one or more adjacent mines touching each other (which is not very common). The screen would look something like this:



Your first mine is the key to clearing a Minesweeper board. It’s important to remember that finding your first mine is an iterative process: when you find one, you’ll likely uncover more nearby. This means your overall strategy should be focused on finding the first mine and then using that knowledge to find other mines. Sunken squares are also important because they can help give context

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