Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure is a video game franchise that combines real-world action figures with animated characters and environments in an innovative new way. The Skylanders Skylander toys can be used on a variety of platforms, including the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii and PC. To play the game, players must first place the Portal of Power (a circular device) onto their TV or another flat surface before placing a Skylander toy on top of it to make them appear within the game. This article will outline how to set-up your portal and play as your favorite Skylander character in just six simple steps.
You must place the Portal of Power on a flat surface or on your TV or another flat surface.
You must place the Portal of Power on a flat surface or on your TV or another flat surface. If you are using your PlayStation®3, you need to connect the USB cable to your system.
Make sure the symbol in the center of the Portal of Power glows green before placing a Skylander toy atop it.
- Make sure the symbol in the center of the Portal of Power glows green before placing a Skylander toy atop it.
- The light should be green, not red, steady and not flashing or yellow, orange or purple
Check to make sure your console is compatible with the game.
If you’re having trouble with this step, make sure that your console is compatible with the game. You can find a list of compatible consoles on the Spyro’s Adventure website. If you don’t see your console listed on the website, check to see if there’s a forum for the game. If all else fails, try a different console.
Gently but firmly place a Skylander toy on top of the Portal of Power.
When you open the Portal of Power, it will emit a faint glow. Gently but firmly place a Skylander toy on top of the Portal of Power. The toy should be placed flat on top of the disc-shaped piece inside of the base, not on one side or another. If you’re having trouble getting your Skylanders toy to register with your Portal, try rotating its position slightly before placing it down again.
The Skylander should appear on screen within a matter of seconds, enabling you to play as them in-game.
To play Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure, you will need:
- The game itself
- One or more controllers
If a Skylander toy fails to be detected by the game, remove it from the Portal and unplug it from power.
- If a Skylander toy fails to be detected by the game, remove it from the Portal and unplug it from power.
- Check for any obstructions in the way of the portal.
- Check that the portal is plugged in properly and facing upwards (it should be pointed towards your console).
- Check that there is no heavy furniture or other objects blocking line of sight with your console’s camera/motion sensor (if you find yourself having issues with detection, try moving things around until you get a clearer view of where you’re placing your toys).
- Ensure that there are no damaged parts on either end of either device (the base station or Skylanders toy) – if any parts look broken or cracked, replace them immediately!
Place the Portal back onto your TV or onto another flat surface, making sure that the arrow on the base points towards your screen.
Place the Portal back onto your TV or onto another flat surface, making sure that the arrow on the base points towards your screen. If it is pointing away from your screen, then Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure will not recognize the toy. If it is pointing towards your screen, then it will be detected and you can begin playing! You can also place the portal on top of your TV if you have enough space available; this allows for a more creative way of displaying your favorite toys without taking up too much space or ruining decor by placing them directly on top of furniture.
Take a break from playing and come back after 20 minutes to resume play.
It’s important to let your Portal of Power charge for at least 20 minutes before you start playing again. This will help prevent screen glare and make the game more enjoyable for both you and your child.
- Don’t play longer than three hours at a time. The game can take up to three hours to complete, but if you’re only playing for an hour or two, try putting it down periodically or giving yourself breaks so that you don’t get too tired while playing.
- Don’t leave the Portal plugged in while it is being charged. Leaving an electronic device plugged in when not in use can cause damage over time, so make sure that this doesn’t happen with your Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure game by unplugging it as soon as its battery level reaches 100%.
- If there is no light coming from around where your Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure figure was placed on top of its portal, then it may be because one of two things has happened: either their battery has run out (this happens occasionally), or there was something blocking off access between their legs such as clothing material getting stuck underneath them which prevented any communication between them being able to occur between both parties involved here (that would mean either taking off what they’re wearing first).
We hope that these tips help you get the most out of your Skylanders experience! Don’t forget to place the Portal of Power on a flat surface or on your TV or another flat surface. Also, make sure the symbol in the center of the Portal glows green before placing a Skylander toy atop it. Check to make sure your console is compatible with the game, and gently but firmly place a Skylander toy on top of the Portal of Power. The Skylander should appear on screen within a matter of seconds, enabling you to play as them in-game. If a Skylander toy fails to be detected by the game, remove it from the Portal and unplug it from power. Place back onto your TV or onto another flat surface, making sure that arrow points towards screen. If all else fails take break from playing come back after 20 minutes resume play