How To Play Hole io


Whether you’re new to the internet or just need a reminder, here’s how to play

The premise of the game is to grow your hole by swallowing objects around you, starting with the smallest and working your way up to cars and buses.

The premise of the game is to grow your hole by swallowing objects around you, starting with the smallest and working your way up to cars and buses. The more you eat, the bigger your hole gets. When you get big enough, you can swallow other players’ holes (or “expand” them) by going through their fields with yours.

Your size in relation to the objects is vital, as you can only absorb those that are smaller than you.

Your size in relation to the objects is vital, as you can only absorb those that are smaller than you. If you are too small for an object, you will lose health (because it will crush you). If you are too big for an object, or if an object is the same size as yourself, then your health will be reduced by a certain amount when trying to consume it. Lastly, if an object is bigger than yourself and there’s nothing else around for miles with which to grow larger – then by all means: eat!

Your task is simple: Grow bigger by absorbing everything around until there’s nothing left but endless space.

You can also swallow other players’ holes, but only if they are smaller than you.

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Playing against real life players instead of AI can be challenging, especially for first-time users of

One of the most interesting aspects of is playing against other players. You can choose to play against AI or other people around the world, but there are some differences between these two modes that you may not know about.

We’ll start with AI players. While they have their own personalities and quirks, they do tend to do what you expect them to do—they take over your territory, they don’t move much once they get big enough, etc. However, when playing against real life players instead of AI (or “bots” as we call them in our community), it becomes more challenging because:

  • Your opponent has a different style from yours—you might be aggressive while your opponent prefers to stay home and defend their territory rather than expand rapidly like you want to
  • Your opponent has been playing for longer than you have—this means he/she will know how best to use certain weapons and vehicles in difficult situations better than someone who just started playing last week!

Swallow a house or building and you will gobble up all the items inside – including other players who are too small to fight back.

With each house or building you swallow, you collect everything inside. This includes other players who are too small to fight back. So if you manage to swallow a house with another player inside, they will be swallowed up with it!

Once you start playing the game and get used to it, swallowing buildings becomes an important strategy for winning matches online.

To increase from level to level and beat the game, your hole needs to grow big enough to swallow 50% of the city.

To increase from level to level and beat the game, your hole needs to grow big enough to swallow 50% of the city.

It’s not easy to do this. The world is full of holes, and they don’t want you to succeed. They’ll try to eat your hole before it can get big enough. You may even find that sometimes when you are trying to grow your own hole, another player will come along and steal your food!

The best strategy is realising what makes your hole big or small — if something looks bigger than your hole, that means it’s bigger than your hole!

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Hopefully, this guide will help you be the best player you can be. If not, at least it’s worth a try. Happy hunting!

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