Friday Night Funkin’ Game


The Friday Night Funkin’ Game is a new and exciting card game that was recently released on Kickstarter. I have been enjoying every minute of playing with my friends! The game is like an intense version of Jumble. Players must guess the name of a song before their cards run out by listening carefully to the beat, guessing quickly if they recognize it immediately from memory or feeling confident enough in their knowledge to take longer guesses (and risk running out of turns). This makes for some humorous moments as players scramble to come up with titles while trying not to be distracted by other players talking over them.

The game comes in four different versions: one with 15 songs per deck and three others containing 30 songs each. This means you can have up to 15 different people competing against each other at once!

This game was made by a group of friends, and it’s garnered quite a bit of interest

This game was made by a group of friends, and it’s garnered quite a bit of interest. The game was released last week, and it is available at many retailers and on other platforms like Steam.

The players compete in team-based rounds while guessing the name of a song.

The game is played in teams of four players and consists of a total of 10 rounds, with each round consisting of three songs. Players must try to guess song titles before their cards run out. There are several ways to get hints during gameplay — for example, when a player guesses incorrectly on an early turn, they can use one hint from the bank (if any remain) or pass control over to another player who has more than one card remaining in hand.

Each round consists of 3 songs, and players must guess the song title before their cards run out

Every round consists of three songs, and you must guess the song title before your card deck runs out. You pick from a total of 110 cards representing different musical genres. A random order is then selected from a group of 5 songs that are played for 10 seconds each at different volumes, pitches and tempos. The games starts off with a classic rock song followed by an indie pop track in the middle and ends with an electronic dance tune. There’s no limit to how much time you have to think about each card selection but be careful because there is an audio prompt every 5 seconds and if you fail to answer correctly at that point it means game over!

Players can use hints to help them out if they get stuck, but only once per round

In the app, you can use hints to help you guess the song title. However, if you get stuck on a round and don’t have any more hints, there’s nothing left to do but wait for your turn again. In person, it is unlikely that any players would be able to take more than one hint per round as they have been known to be fiercely competitive individuals.

If you are looking for something fun and new in your life then this might be it!

The game comes in a set with 4 different versions of the same card deck, allowing for up to 16 players to compete at once

The game comes with 4 different versions of the same card deck, allowing for up to 16 players to compete at once. Each set has different card backs, songs, rules and hints. The first thing you’ll notice is that each version has a different song; however, they all have the same lyrics and melody!

The first version has a blue back and is called “Blue’s Clues.” It’s recommended for younger players because it features only 3 characters from Blue’s Clues: Joe (the host), Blue (the puppy) and Tickety Tock (an alarm clock). This version also includes two hints: “Think about what someone else does when they’re excited” and “Remember what happened earlier today”.

The second version is pink-backed with an image of Bungle on its front cover. It’s called “Bungle” because this character appears in every episode of Hey Arnold!. This one also comes with 2 hints: “Think about your favorite thing to do” and “Remember what happened earlier today.”

The third version is red-backed with an image of Helga on its front cover; it’s called “Helga” because this character appears in every episode of Hey Arnold!. This one also comes with 2 hints: “Think about your favorite place” or “Remember what happened earlier today.”

The fourth version is green-backed with an image of Phoebe on its front cover; it’s called “Phoebe” because this character appears in every episode of Friends!. This one also comes with 2 hints: “Think about your favorite food” or “Remember what happened earlier today.”

You can play this game on Friday Night Funkin’ Party or any other platform that supports local multiplayer mode

This game is a great way to spend time with a group of friends, or even just your family. If you’re in a relationship and want to get to know each other better, this board game will help you do just that. It’s also good for couples because it gives them something fun to do together after work on Friday nights!

I bought my copy from Target last week and it’s been so much fun! It’s like playing Jumble but with music.

If you’re looking for a new board game to play with your friends, I highly recommend Friday Night Funkin’ Game. It’s competitive, fun and easy to learn. Plus it has all sorts of replay value because there are so many different songs that you can combine together. And did I mention that it costs less than $20? That makes this one of the best value games on the market right now!


This is a great game for anyone who enjoys music or trivia. It’s easy to play, and you can have a lot of fun trying to guess the song titles with friends and family. The only downside is that it’s not available yet in stores, but they’re releasing new versions every week so hopefully soon everyone will be able to get their hands on one!

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