Can You Become Addicted to Video Games? Here’s What To Do If So


I don’t know about you, but I see people on social media all the time saying that they’re addicted to video games. If you don’t play many video games yourself or have been playing them so long that it’s just something that every gamer does and doesn’t seem like an issue, you might be wondering if this is actually a real issue. Can someone really be addicted to playing video games? The answer is yes – gaming addiction can happen, and it can have serious consequences for your life. Even if you don’t think your current gaming habit is a problem for you right now, it could be affecting your mental health in ways that make it hard for you to recognize how serious of an issue this really is. But just because people have gotten addicted to video games doesn’t mean there’s no hope for those who are suffering from this problem or those who might develop symptoms at some point in the future: with help, anyone can overcome their habits and get back on track with their life.

Signs You Might Be Addicted to Video Games

If you think you might be developing an addiction to video gaming, there are some signs to look out for. These include:

  • Spending more time in-game than with real humans. You might find yourself playing for hours on end, even when your friends or family members want your company. You may also start to feel guilty about how much time is devoted to gaming, and this guilt could lead to argument with loved ones who aren’t getting enough attention from the gamer.
  • Not getting enough movement throughout the day (or night). Some people develop a habit of playing video games instead of going outside; they’ll play until they’re too tired or bored to continue, then go back outside later in the day when they have more energy again—but only if it’s convenient and easy! This makes it hard for anyone else who lives with them (or even just works with them) because now someone else has been left out in favor of something that may not even be enjoyable anymore by this point! It also means that their bodies aren’t getting any exercise at all so exercise can become difficult later on down the line if they decide that maybe they did miss something after all..

1. You can’t stop thinking about video games.

  • You can’t stop thinking about video games.

If you find that your thoughts are consumed by video games to the point where they’re interfering with your ability to live a full life, this is another sign of addiction. If you find yourself unable to focus on work or school because all you can think about is getting home to play some more World of Warcraft, this is a clear sign that something isn’t right with how much time and energy you’re putting into gaming. If the thought of going out to dinner with friends leaves you feeling bored and apathetic because all your mind wants is for the night to end so that you can get back home where it’s safe and secure playing your favorite game(s), there’s probably something very wrong here!

  • You’ve stopped doing other things in favor of playing video games

If gaming has become so important in your life that it starts taking over everything else—including sleeping, eating and socializing—this may be an indication that things have gotten out of control! While there’s nothing wrong with playing video games from time-to-time (or even most days), if your schedule becomes filled up exclusively by trying to squeeze in as many hours as possible on Call Of Duty or World Of Warcraft before bedtime comes around again then something needs done urgently before things go too far off course!

2. Video games are affecting your work or school life.

  • Video games are affecting your work or school life.

If you’re playing games for more than two hours a day, it’s time to start thinking about what’s behind this behavior. Is gaming preventing you from completing tasks at work or school? Is it causing problems with your coworkers? Are you sleeping less because of the time spent gaming and struggling to get up in the morning? Has gaming taken over every spare moment in your schedule, leaving little room for anything else? If so, then video game addiction may be one of the things contributing to these issues—and if that’s the case, here’s what we suggest doing about it:

3. You feel irritable when you try to stop gaming.

You feel like you can’t stop playing

If you find that your gaming feels out of control, it may be time to take a serious look at what’s going on. You may find that the game is starting to take over your life, and that it has begun interfering with other parts of your life. Many people who suffer from video game addiction also experience depression or anxiety, which can make it even harder for them to control their behavior.

Gamers who feel the need to play more often than healthy say things like:

  • “I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to keep doing this.”
  • “I’ve been thinking about getting some help with my gaming problem.”
  • “It’s hard for me not to think about my next session while I’m not playing.”

4. You feel guilty about how long you’re playing video games and how much money you’re spending on them.

If you feel guilty about the time or money you’re spending on video games, it could be a sign that you have a problem.

You may be spending too much time on your computer playing video games and not enough time doing other things like hanging out with friends or exercising. If this is the case, try setting some limits for yourself so that you can get more balance back into your life. You might also want to look at how much money you’re spending on video games in addition to how much time they are taking up in your life. This can help give you an idea of what kind of impact they’re having on your finances as well as other aspects of your life (like relationships).

5. You need to up the stakes to continue getting the same amount of enjoyment out of a game.

If you’ve noticed that you need to play more and more of a game in order to continue getting the same amount of enjoyment out of it, then it’s possible that you’re addicted to video games.

People who are addicted to video games will often feel like they need to play more and more in order to enjoy playing at all. However, this isn’t true—the amount of enjoyment from playing is actually diminished over time because people develop tolerance for the effects of playing games.

6. Your relationships are suffering because of your video game habit.

Your relationships should be one of the top priorities in your life. If your relationship with your partner is suffering because of your video game habit, it might be time to re-evaluate how much time you’re spending playing games. Even if it is just one hour a day, that can make all the difference in how close you feel to your partner and whether or not you are able to go on fun dates together.

Your relationship with both children and friends can also suffer from an unhealthy addiction to video games. You may find yourself neglecting their needs by choosing gaming over spending quality time with them or going out on nights out with friends.

7. Your behavior isn’t normal around other people who don’t play video games at all, or as much as you do.

If you feel like your behavior isn’t normal around other people who don’t play video games at all or as much as you do, that’s a sign that things are getting out of hand. This can happen for several reasons:

  • You start to take on the characteristics of other gamers. For example, if you’re a gamer who plays with other gamers and always feels left out when they talk about their experiences playing together or having fun with one another, then it might be because your social life revolves around video games—and not real-life interactions with people in person.
  • Your interests start to change toward those found among players who play lots of different types of games. If so, this may mean that what was once an enjoyable pastime has become something more serious in nature: an addiction!

8. People keep telling you that you might have an addiction to gaming.

You may have heard people say “you’re addicted to gaming” or “you spend too much time gaming”. Other people who care about you will notice your behavior change, and they might want to help you. Some of the signs that someone might be addicted include:

  • Not being able to put down the controller
  • Having a difficult time concentrating on other things
  • Spending more time in the game than with friends and family members

If others are worried about how much time you spend playing video games, talk with them about it so that you can work together. If these conversations don’t seem helpful or if they make you feel worse, seek out professional help from a therapist who specializes in treating addictions (or another mental health professional).

9. You spend more time in-game than with real humans, even when they’re right in front of you.

If this is the case, you may need to cut back on gaming. If your real-life relationships are suffering as a result of your time spent in-game, try these strategies:

  • Talk with family members about how much time you spend gaming and how it affects their lives.
  • Talk with friends about their feelings about the way you game.
  • Talk with other gamers about their views on excessive play schedules and how those might affect others in their lives.

10. You don’t get enough movement throughout the day because most of your free time is spent playing video games instead of doing exercise or being physically active outside the house..

In addition to the mental and social benefits of exercise, physical activity can help you stay healthy by reducing your risk for heart disease, diabetes, depression, and obesity. You should aim for at least 30 minutes per day of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days or about 60 minutes total across several days. This can include activities like walking briskly or jogging (at a pace that raises your breathing rate), swimming laps in the pool, cycling outdoors or on a stationary bike in your home gym, doing weight training exercises at home with resistance bands or weights that are light enough to lift safely several times (10-20 pounds), playing team sports such as basketball or soccer with friends after school/work hours during the weekdays; going hiking with family members on weekends; running errands around town instead of taking public transportation—anything that gets you moving!

Learn the signs so you can recognize if something is wrong and focus on reducing or eliminating your gaming habits altogether before things get worse

If you’re concerned about your gaming habits, there are some signs to look for that may indicate you have a problem.

  • You spend more time playing than you’d like to.
  • You play before other responsibilities and commitments.
  • The games are interfering with your social life or work/school performance.


The last thing you want is to find out that your gaming habit is negatively affecting your life. play them in moderation and have a good time with friends, or if they have become an addiction that’s taken over everything else. It’s important to figure this out sooner rather than later so you don’t end up spending all day every day playing video games

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