15 Steps To Beating Candy Crush Saga Level 1-130


You’re playing Candy Crush Saga, and you’ve gotten stuck on level 1-130. You feel like the game is designed to make you lose—and we understand how frustrating this can be! But with our tips on beating the Cupcake Circus level, you’ll be crushing more candy than ever before.

Create a bomb before you start.

When you start this level, make a bomb on your first move. Use it to clear all of the cupcakes in the bottom left corner of your screen and then use it on any remaining ones at the bottom, middle and top of the screen. You can also use it on some of those pesky red candy bombs that like to blow up next to your candies or even better, save them for later when they are at their most useful – covering up those annoying blue candy bombs!

Don’t worry if your first move doesn’t give you many moves.

Once you have decided on a move, it’s important not to worry about how many moves will be left. You may have only one move left or four.

If you’re going to play Candy Crush Saga Level 1-130, then this advice is for you: don’t worry if your first move doesn’t give you many moves. Don’t worry if your second move doesn’t either. Don’t even bother worrying about the third one or fourth one either!

Aim for a big match, then use it on the bottom corner where there are bombs.

This is one of the easier ways to beat this level. The reason is that you’ll only need one match to get all the candy off, which means that it’s possible to use a striped candy or wrapped candy for this task. You can also use any other special candies that you have in your arsenal if you have them!

The goal here is to aim for a big match, then use it on the bottom corner where there are bombs. This will clear a lot of space and allow you to drop down from there into whatever remaining pieces of candy are left without having any problem with clearing out all those pesky bombs!

Aim to get a big match on the top left corner of the screen, then use it.

The first thing to do is aim for a big match on the top left corner of the screen, then use it. With this move, you will be able to get rid of bombs that are in your way and open up space for more matches. If you don’t manage to match a lot at first, that’s okay! You can always try again later.

Stop spending your time on getting three stars and just focus on surviving to level 130. Because once you beat level 130, you get all three stars automatically, and let me tell you, that is a sweet feeling!

As you continue to play Candy Crush Saga, try to stop spending your time on getting three stars and just focus on surviving to level 130. Because once you beat level 130, you get all three stars automatically, and let me tell you, that is a sweet feeling!

If you have a Vertical Striped Candy in the middle column during your first moves, try to make it horizontal instead (by making matches with the halves) so that it covers more squares of candy. You want as much action in the middle column as possible.

If you have a Vertical Striped Candy in the middle column during your first moves, try to make it horizontal instead (by making matches with the halves) so that it covers more squares of candy. You want as many actions in the middle column as possible.

Also, don’t worry too much about clearing cupcakes if you can’t. Just focus on making as many matches as you can. If there’s not a way to clear them, use special candies to do so.

Make sure not to neglect bombs!

Tying up the remaining candy is easy enough, but don’t neglect your bombs!

There are two bombs in this level and you need to use them on a few of the cupcakes that have been left out. When you match those candies with either bomb or other candies, they will explode and clear out a number of spaces on the board.

You can also make use of any remaining moves by matching certain tiles together that will generate extra points if they are matched in a certain way (for example making a horizontal line).

Avoid using special candies on bombs unless absolutely necessary; save them for the cupcakes at the bottom of the screen. If you have enough matched candies or two special candies ready at once, don’t use them right away; wait a turn or two until you have another one ready and use them both together on the cupcakes at the bottom of the screen to create an even more spectacular explosion!

Special candies are necessary for destroying bombs and cupcakes, but they can also be used to destroy special candies and wrapped candies. If a bomb is on the board, use a special candy to remove it and make some room for more matches! Special candies are also useful when dealing with striped or wrapped candies, since these have to be matched in order to be removed from the board.

Create as many combos as possible!

In this level, you will be given an almost impossible challenge to complete. The aim of this level is to clear all the cupcakes on the board within 50 moves, but if you are not careful, all of your hard work can be undone quickly by one careless move!

To achieve a high score in this level, we recommend creating as many combos as possible and trying not to waste moves on bombs or cupcakes. You should also avoid using any moves in the top left corner or middle column. Finally, don’t use any moves on the bottom right corner (where there are no cupcakes) unless absolutely necessary.

Target particular candies that can help you win this level easily like striped candy and wrapped candy etc.

To win this level, you must make a horizontal match of five or more candies.

If you have some striped candies and wrapped candies, you can make a diagonal match of 5 candies by using those.


After writing this blog post, I feel much better about the game because I know how to beat it now. If you want my advice for beating levels 1-130, try to remove all of the cupcakes first by matching candies next to them. Then, focus on the four ingredients in the middle (one at a time). Finally, make matches around each ingredient as they fall so that they eventually reach their destination.

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